chemistry 🧪

This class was created by Brainscape user Alys Fraser. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1. Formulae and Equations
What should the oxidiation number...,
What is the oxidation number of a...,
What is the oxidation number for ...
14  cards
Basic ideas about atoms
What is the atomic number,
What is the mass number,
What are isotopes
35  cards
Chemical calculations
What is the relative atomic mass,
What is the relative isotopic mass,
What is the relative formula mass
24  cards
What is covalent bonding,
What is ionic bonding,
What is a co ordinate bond
34  cards
Solid structures
What is a simple covalent structure,
Give examples of a simple covalen...,
What is a giant covalent structure
13  cards
The periodic table
What characteristics are seen dow...,
What characteristics are seen acr...,
What characteristics are seen dia...
33  cards
Simple Equilibria and Acid-base reactions
What is the lechateliers principle,
What is dynamic equilibrium,
What can you change in a reaction...
37  cards
2. Thermochemistry
What is enthalpy measured in,
What is the principle of conserva...,
What is the principle of conserva...
18  cards
Rates of reaction
What is a displayed formula,
What effect does increasing the c...,
What effect does increasing the s...
18  cards
The wider aspect of chemistry
What are the green chemistry prin...
1  cards
Organic compounds and their reactions
What is a functional group,
What is a hydrocarbon,
What are the rules for naming hyd...
17  cards
What are alkanes,
Why are alkanes generally unreactive,
What are the three reactions for ...
33  cards
What is a halogenoalkane,
What makes halogenoalkanes polar,
What are the three types of halog...
15  cards
Alcohols and carboxylic acids
What are alcohols,
How can alcohols be made,
What are the conditions for the i...
31  cards
Instrumental analysis
How can you use a mass spectromet...,
How do you know if chlorine or br...,
What is the molecular ion
15  cards

More about
chemistry 🧪

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