
This class was created by Brainscape user Mihir Krishnan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Spectra PPT
How are electrons arranged in atoms,
Do outer electrons shells that ar...,
Can electrons exist between the s...
12  cards
Atomic Absorption Sepctrum
What gives gas filled lights thei...,
What is light,
How does the energy of electromag...
18  cards
Electronic Structure
What is atomic number,
What is atomic mass number,
What is the standard atomic weigh...
6  cards
Periodic Trends
Does atomic radius increase or de...,
Does atomic radius increase of de...,
What is ionisation energy
6  cards
Atoms and Isotopes
How do we describe atoms,
What are elements,
How are elements defined
9  cards
Mass Spectroscopy
What does a mass spectrometer,
How does a mass spectrometer work...,
How does a mass spectrometer work...
8  cards
Mixtures and Separation
What is an element,
What are compounds,
What are mixtures
23  cards
What is a nanoscale,
How much is a nanometer,
What is a nano material
7  cards
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
What is atomic absorption spectos...,
What are the concentration values,
How is the atomic absorption spec...
9  cards
Ionic Compounds
What is an ionic compounds,
How do ionic compounds form,
Properties of ionic bonds
8  cards
Covalent bonding
What is covalent bonding,
What are discrete covalent molecules,
Properties of covalent molecules
20  cards
metallic bonding
What is metallic bonding,
Properties of metallic bonds,
What does strenght of metallic bo...
7  cards
What is a mol,
What is the number of atoms in a mol,
What does m n x m mean
6  cards
Exo and Endo Reactions
What is chemical energy,
What is activation energy,
What happens in endo and exo reac...
14  cards
What is a fuel,
2 clases of fuel,
What are fossil fuels
14  cards
reactions of hydrocarbons
Combustion reaction with unlimite...,
Combustion reaction with limited ...,
Substitution reaction with halogen
10  cards

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