
This class was created by Brainscape user Jackie Sebesta. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

t1-atomic structure
What is a compound,
What is a mixture,
What are the 5 separation techniques
15  cards
t1-periodic table
What was an early attempt to clas...,
What 2 things were wrong with the...,
How did mendeleev order elements
15  cards
What is ionic bonding,
State properties of ionic bonds,
What is covalent bonding
19  cards
t3- quantitative chemistry
What is the law of the conservati...,
What is relative atomic mass,
What is relative formula mass
11  cards
t4- chemical changes
In electrolysis why does the comp...,
What is the molten dissolved subs...,
What are 2 chemical processes are...
27  cards
t5-energy changes
What is the conservation of energy,
What is an exothermic reactiongiv...,
What is an endothermic reactiongi...
17  cards
t6- rate of reaction
What is the rate of reaction,
What is the collision theory,
What is activation energy
17  cards
t7- organic chemistry (1)
0  cards
t7-organic chemistry (2)
Alkene general formula,
Formula for hydrogenation
32  cards
t8-chemical analysis
Test for oxygen,
Test for hydrogen,
Test for carbon dioxide
30  cards
t9-chemistry of the atmosphere
Describe the earth s early atmosp...,
How did oxygen amount increase,
How did co2 amount decrease
11  cards
1 making saltsdescribe process,
2 neutralisation,
3 electrolysis
16  cards
t10- water
Properties of potable water,
Why is making potable water from ...,
How to make potable water out of ...
12  cards
t10- extracting metals and corrosion
What are the 4 ores and the metals,
What is an ore,
What are high low grade ores
16  cards
t10-haber process
Balanced equation for haber process,
Where is nitrogen taken from for ...,
Where is hydrogen taken from in t...
7  cards
t10-NPK fertilisers
What are fertilisers forumlated f...,
How is nitrogen fertiliser made,
How is phosphorus fertiliser made
4  cards

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