
This class was created by Brainscape user Phoebe Riley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Paper 1 - Required Practicals
0  cards
Atomic Structure
What are elements,
What are compounds,
What are mixtures
17  cards
Periodic Table
What are elements in the periodic...,
What is a period,
What is a group
10  cards
Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter
What are the three types of bonding,
What is ionic bonding,
What happens the the metal ions i...
35  cards
Quantitative Chemistry
Is mass conserved in a chemical r...,
The total mass of the reactants t...,
If a reaction produces gas does t...
9  cards
Reactions With Acid
What is the ph scale,
What is an acid,
What is an alkali
8  cards
Reactions Of Metals
Metal water,
Metal acid,
What is oxidation
17  cards
Energy Changes
What are endothermic reactions,
What are exothermic reactions,
Activation energy
7  cards
Rate of Reaction & Reversible Reactions
What is the speed of a reaction c...,
What are the factors that increas...,
What is a catalyst
21  cards
Carbon Compounds & Fuels
What is crude oil made up of,
What is hydrocarbon made up of,
What is the formula for the hydro...
16  cards
Purity & Formulations
What do pure substances consist of,
What is a formulation,
What are some examples of formula...
7  cards
Gas Tests
How do you test for chlorine,
How do you test for oxygen,
How do you test for carbo dioxide
5  cards
Using Resources
What do humans use the earths res...,
What does sustainable development...,
What is potable water
15  cards
The Atmosphere
What was the percentage of carbon...,
What was the percentage of other ...,
What was the percentage of water ...
14  cards

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