
This class was created by Brainscape user David Chesterman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Atomic model
Define atom,
Define element,
Define compound
47  cards
Periodic table
What is the atomic number of an atom,
What is the mass number of an atom,
How do you calculate the number o...
54  cards
Bonding 1
What charge do electrons have,
What charge will an ion of lithiu...,
What charge will an ion of beryll...
20  cards
Bonding 2
State the melting points of ionic...,
Explain why ionic substances have...,
Will nacl s conduct electricity
30  cards
Bonding 3
Describe the main features of met...,
Explain why metals can conduct el...,
Explain why pure metals are soft
24  cards
If 24 g of magnesium reacts with ...,
What is the relative formula mass...,
The relative formula mass of cao ...
16  cards
Chemical changes - Acids
Define acid in terms of ph,
Define acids in terms of ions,
What does aq stand for
27  cards
Chemical changes - Electrolysis
What is electrolysis,
What happens to an ionic substanc...,
What is the name for the positive...
21  cards
Reactivity series - Higher tier only
What is the reactivity series,
How can metals be placed in order...,
What is the name for a reaction w...
31  cards
Reactivity series
What is the reactivity series,
How can metals be placed in order...,
What is the name for a reaction w...
11  cards
Energy changes
State the law of conservation of ...,
How does the law of conservation ...,
What is an exothermic reaction
18  cards
Rates - Higher only
What is the rate of a chemical re...,
What is the rate of a chemical re...,
What is the formula for a mean ra...
31  cards
What is the rate of a chemical re...,
What is the rate of a chemical re...,
What is the formula for a mean ra...
27  cards
Organic 1 - TRIPLE ONLY
What are alkenes,
What are alkenes used for,
How do you test for an alkene
30  cards
Organic 2 - TRIPLE ONLY
What is polymerisation,
What are the two types of polymer...,
What monomers are involved in add...
23  cards
What is crude oil,
What is crude oil formed from,
What is a finite resource
21  cards
Organic 2
What is cracking,
What are the products of cracking,
Why is cracking important
18  cards
Analysis - TRIPLE ONLY
What is a flame test,
What is the colour of the flame p...,
What is the colour of the flame p...
20  cards
What is chemical analysis,
In everyday language what is a pu...,
In chemistry what is a pure subst...
19  cards
What is the approximate proportio...,
What is the approximate proportio...,
There are small proportions of wa...
34  cards
What do humans use resources for,
What are finite resources,
What is sustainable development
24  cards

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