
This class was created by Brainscape user Kathrine McDazzle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Formation of ions from compounds
9  cards
Reaction rules
Acid alkali,
Acid base,
Acid carbonate
4  cards
Module 2 Teacher 2
Equation for moles of a solid,
Equation for moles of a solution,
Equation for moles of a gas
26  cards
Module 2 Teacher 1
How many electrons can fill a shell,
What are atomic orbitals,
What shape is the s orbital
16  cards
What does electron repulsion theo...,
Shapes and bond angles of molecul...,
How do lone pairs affect bonding ...
23  cards
A what are the names correspondin...,
Name for alkanes,
Functional group and name for alk...
44  cards
3.2.1 Enthalpy changes
What are exothermic reactions exa...,
What are endothermic reactions ex...,
Construction of enthalpy profile ...
16  cards
How does concentration or pressur...,
What is the role of a catalyst,
What do the types of catalysts mean
14  cards
What is a state of dynamic equili...,
How the the position of the equil...,
What is ale chatrlier s principle
11  cards
What are the intermolecular force...,
Are alcohols soluble in water,
Why do alcohols have greater boil...
26  cards
Explanation of the nooks in ionis...,
Prediction of electron configurat...,
Variations in melting points acro...
16  cards
What is the rate of reaction,
What is the order and overall ord...,
What is the half life
27  cards
What is the lattice enthalpy hle,
What is the enthalpy change of so...,
What is the enthalpy change of hy...
19  cards
What are the electron configurati...,
What are transition metals,
What are ligands
21  cards
What were the problems with kekul...,
What is a nitro functional group,
What is a phenyl functional group
67  cards
Synthetic routes
What are the reactions of alkanes,
What are the reactions of haloalk...,
What are the reactions of alcohols
16  cards
Those little bits
Exceptions to 4s filling before 3d,
What is a lone pair of electrons,
What is ionicity
4  cards

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