
This class was created by Brainscape user Rosie Munnings. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Colours of inorganic ions and complexes
Cu h2o 6 2,
Cu oh 2 s,
Cu nh3 4 h2o 2 2
22  cards
Synthetic routes - conditions, reagents, catalysts etc
Alkane to haloalkane,
Alkene to alkane,
Alkene to haloalkane
30  cards
Ionic Formulas
Symbol and charge for lithium ion,
Symbol and charge for sodium ion,
Symbol and charge for potassium ion
40  cards
Tests for Ions
Is magnesium sulphate soluble or ...,
Is magnesium chromate soluble or ...,
Is strontium sulphate soluble or ...
34  cards
Ch2.1 Atoms and Reactions
Define relative isotopic mass,
Define relative atomic mass,
Define relative molecular mass
84  cards
Ch2.2 Electrons, Bonding and Structure
How are electrons arranged in atoms,
Where is the lowest energy level ...,
In what order do shells become fi...
107  cards
Ch3.1 The Periodic Table
How many elements were there thou...,
Who was john dalton and why is he...,
Who was johannes dobereiner and w...
34  cards
Ch3.2 Physical Chemistry
What can be measured to determine...,
How can the formation of product ...,
What is the formula for calculati...
102  cards
Ch4.1 Basic Organic Concepts and Hydrocarbons
What is a molecular formula,
What is an empirical formula,
What is a structural formula
107  cards
Ch4.2 Alcohols, Haloalkanes and Analysis
What is the general formula for a...,
How are aliphatic alcohols named,
How are isomers of alcohols named
96  cards
Ch5.1 Rates, equilibrium and pH
What does a rate equation allow y...,
What is the general form of the r...,
What must be considered before co...
35  cards
Ch5.2 Energy
Define lattice enthalpy,
Describe lattice enthalpy,
Why would a lattice enthalpy be m...
69  cards
Ch5.2 Definitions
Define born haber cycle,
Define conservation of energy,
Define enthalpy
24  cards
Ch5.3 Transition elements
Which 2 elements are exceptions t...,
How is chromium an exception to t...,
How is copper an exception to the...
66  cards
Ch6.1 Aromatic compounds, carbonyls and acids
What are the physical properties ...,
Why is benzene produced in huge q...,
State the 3 problems with kekule ...
70  cards
Ch6.2 Nitrogen compounds, polymers and synthesis
What molecule are amines related to,
What are amines essentially,
What are primary amines
98  cards
Ch6.3 Analysis
0  cards

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