chemical oceanography

This class was created by Brainscape user Rand Al-Badoosh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

lect 1
The study of the distribution of ...,
More focused on chemical reaction...,
Focused on the partitioning and c...
19  cards
lect 2
What does salt do to water,
Liquid water consists of molecule...,
Ice consists of ordered molecules...
21  cards
ch 9
What are the sulfur gasses,
What are the halogen gasses,
What are the nitrogen gasses
40  cards
ch 10
What is the process of hydration,
What is the process of acid base,
What is the process of precipitat...
42  cards
Define equilibrium,
Le cahterliers principle,
What will affect an equilibrium
32  cards
How does the inorganic carbon cal...,
What are the species of inorganic...,
When co2 dissolves
42  cards
ch 5
What is the size of dissolved mat...,
Why is colloid study important in...,
Where are colloids found
25  cards
ch 4
What stabilizes unstable water th...,
Adiabatically meaninig,
What are the si units for pressure
24  cards
ch 3
Percentage of chloride salt and w...,
What elements are found in seawater,
50  cards
ch 2
How are the molecules in water in...,
Mean salt content of ocean,
Mean temperatuer of the ocean
27  cards
ch 8
What are the three ways gasses ca...,
What is daltons law,
What is the volume of one more of...
34  cards
ch 9
What are the products of photosynth,
The films in the two thin film mo...,
The two films in the thin film mo...
22  cards
ch 10
Light in iron transfer,
Iron complexes
36  cards
ch 14
Why are redox reactions important,
Reduction potential,
What is the reference for reducti...
39  cards
What are the two most dominant en...,
Enxymes delta g and ea
9  cards

More about
chemical oceanography

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