This class was created by Brainscape user Nismah Imran. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

atomic structure
Write an example of an ionisaton ...,
Why is the outer most electron th...,
Why does 4s fill up before 3d
30  cards
What is the most electronegative ...,
What is the definition of electro...,
What is a coordinate bond
25  cards
amount of substances
What is the equation for mols,
What is avogadro s constant,
Titration accuracy
13  cards
introduction to organic chem
What is structural isomerism and ...,
General formula of an alkene,
General formula of an alkane
6  cards
Unburnt hydrocarbons,
Thermal cracking,
Sulphur dioxide so2
13  cards
group 2 and group 7
Group 2 alkali earth metals,
Properties of group 2 elements,
Group 2 reactions with water from...
21  cards
How to go from an alkane to a hal...,
What is the essential condition f...,
Definition for free radical
19  cards
Strength of c c double bonds,
Why is there no rotation around a...,
Definition of an electrophile
11  cards
ethanol production
Producing ethanol by fermentation,
Advantages and disadvantages of h...,
Advantages and disadvantages of f...
7  cards
Description an aldehyde,
Description of a ketone,
Description of a carboxylic acid
18  cards
organic analysis
Test for alkenes,
Test for haloalkanes,
Test for primary and secondary al...
18  cards
oxidation and reduction
What is oxidation,
What is reduction,
Eg of redox reaction formation of...
13  cards
What is an exothermic process,
What is an endothermic process,
Definitions for enthalpy change
29  cards
Definition of equilibrium,
What is a reversible reaction,
What does dynamic mean
21  cards

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chem yr 12 ni

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