This class was created by Brainscape user Isabelle Glaesman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

K is what,
C is what,
M is what
19  cards
quiz 1
Mass fraction,
Parts per thousand ppth
24  cards
quiz 2
In a normal distrubution graph wh...,
What is z,
What is the central limit theorem
4  cards
Exam 1
What s the difference between imp...,
What is absolute uncertainty,
What is relative uncertainty
35  cards
quiz 3
What is qa qc,
What are calibration checks and w...,
What are blanks and what do they ...
7  cards
exam 2
What is wavelength,
What is frequency,
What is the product of frequency ...
51  cards
What is chromatography,
What happens to the stationary phase,
What happens in the mobile phase
44  cards
More eliminations
What is hyper conjugation,
When do we get a hoffman product,
What is the zaitsev product
15  cards
exam 2 official woo
When is there not an assumed line...,
What are the assumptions for lls ...,
What is the minimum number of poi...
39  cards
final exam 2 stuff
Whats the difference between capi...,
What s the differen,
How do we adjust the retention in...
26  cards
What is advanced equilibria,
What is the difference between a ...,
If we have a small ka what does i...
26  cards
What is the activity coefficient,
What factors go into the activity...,
How does the ionic strength affec...
9  cards
If we dissolve a solid in an iner...,
When do we care about the activit...,
What does adding an inert salt do...
8  cards
final exam
What is a determinate error,
What is an indeterminate error,
What is uncertainty
14  cards

More about
chem 31

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