This class was created by Brainscape user Marina Creel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Lecture 1/30
What is matter,
What is a substance,
What are physical properties
8  cards
Lecture 4/30
What is the equation for desity,
What is an intensive physical pro...,
What is an extensive physical pro...
13  cards
Lecture 2/30
What is chemistry,
What is matter,
What mass
15  cards
Lecture 3/30
Temperature is directly proportio...,
What is the system,
What is endothermic
8  cards
Lecture 5/30
What is the one rule,
When should you round off,
16  cards
Lecture 6/30
How many yds in one mi,
10  cards
Elements 1-40
23  cards
Lect 7/30
What is the equation from c to k,
What is the equation from f to c,
How many km in 1 mi
7  cards
Lect 9/30
A1 what family,
A2 what family,
A7 vii what family
20  cards
Lect 10/30
What is a diatomic molecule,
23  cards
Lect 11/30
What did antoine lavoisier do,
What did democritus do what is he...,
What year did antoine lavoisier d...
25  cards
Lect 12/30
What does amu stand for,
What is synchronicity,
What is formula mass
23  cards
Lect 13/30
What are the 5 types of chemical ...,
What is an aqueous solution,
What is dissoluton
4  cards
lect 14/30
What is an acid base neutralizati...
20  cards
Lect 17/30
2 types of double replacement rea...,
2 types of single replacement rea...
2  cards
Lect 18/30
What does a solution look like,
What are the 2 components of diss...,
What is the equation for concentr...
10  cards
Lect 19/30
What is oxidation,
What is reduction,
Do metals oxidize or reduce
17  cards
Lect 20/30
What is produced when acids react...,
What is produced when acids react...,
What are the 2 acid base models
9  cards
Lect 21/30
Physical properties of gas 2,
What is efw,
4 variables used for a complete d...
12  cards
Lect 22/30
What are the 5 eponymous gas laws,
Relationship between pressure and...,
What does kmt stand for
5  cards
Lect 23/30
What is the term for widely space...,
According to the molecular theory...,
Describe collisions between gas p...
18  cards
Lect 24/30
0  cards

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chem 111

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