This class was created by Brainscape user Dylan Paez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

P5 - Contact And Non-Contact Forces
What is a vector,
What is a scalar quantity,
State examples of a vector quanitity
11  cards
P5 - Weight,Mass And Gravity
What is gravitational force,
What does gravity do,
What are the two effects of gravi...
15  cards
P5 - Resultant Forces And Work Done
What do free body diagrams show,
What are the different types of f...,
What forces are acting on a skydiver
18  cards
P5 - Calculating Forces
What do scale drawings help you with,
How do you draw a scale drawing t...,
A man is on an electric bicycle t...
7  cards
P5 - Forces And Elasticity
What does stretching compressing ...,
How do you stretch compress or be...,
What does it mean is an object is...
12  cards
P5 - Investigating Springs
Note for investiging spring pract...,
What is the apparatus needed for ...,
What does it mean during the prac...
7  cards
P5 - Distance,Displacement,Speed And Velocity
Is distance a scalar or vector,
Is displacement a scalar or vector,
What is distance
16  cards
P5 - Acceleration
What is acceleration,
What is uniform acceleration,
What is the formula to find the a...
10  cards
P5 - Distance-Time And Velocity-Time Graphs
When can an object be plotted on ...,
In a distance time graph what doe...,
In a distance time graph what doe...
17  cards
P5 - Terminal Velocity
What does friction do,
What always happens if an object ...,
What direction does friction alwa...
16  cards
P5 - Newtons First And Second Laws
What is newtons first law,
If the resultant force on a stati...,
If the resultant force on a movin...
12  cards
P5 - Inertia And Newton's Third Law
What is intertia,
What does an objects intertial ma...,
How can intertial mass be found
8  cards
P5 - Investigating Motion
State the equipment needed for th...,
How to complete the,
How do you investige mass in the ...
5  cards
P5 - Stopping Distances
What is stopping distance equal to,
When is stopping distance important,
What is thinking distance
10  cards
P5 - Reaction Times
Why is everyones reaction time di...,
State one computer based way to m...,
State one non computer based way ...
6  cards
P5 - Momentum
What do all objects have,
What is momentum,
What type of quanitity is momentum
9  cards

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