This class was created by Brainscape user shawn wilde. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Notes from orientation
Your phone extension is,
If you need to print a work or sc...,
The best way to search for a pati...
94  cards
Drugs you gotta know (from orientation)
What drugs are in a headache cock...,
59  cards
ENA CCC random
What neurotransmitters are primar...,
A lack of balance between the sym...
2  cards
Notes from orientation and new stuff
How do you calculate the next red...
1  cards
Critical care in the ED
Typically two types of positive p...,
What is volume controlled ventila...,
What is pressure controlled venti...
88  cards
Respiratory Emergencies
Which respiratory emergency cause...,
This abnormal breathing pattern i...,
This abnormal breathing pattern i...
27  cards
Toxicology + poisoning
True or falseorganophosphates agg...,
A disease condition caused by the...,
Patient assessment for toxicosis ...
74  cards
Inspira Blood Bank
For blood administration you need...,
A massive transfusion is defined as,
What are the massive transfusion ...
22  cards
Chest pain and EKG
Ekg should be completed within __...,
Door to biomarker less than __ mi...,
The hallmark of the third univers...
47  cards
NATO Phonetic Alphabet
26  cards
MICU Base Woodbury & Lifenet Operations
What is lifenet where are they lo...,
All calls on the lifenet phone ar...,
How do you answer the lifenet phone
20  cards
Moderate Sedation / Conscious Sedation
The rn caring for the patient rec...,
At time of discharge patient must...,
A pre anesthesia form must be per...
6  cards
What is the definition of sepsis,
Sepsis patients that are treated ...,
What is the 4 step progression fo...
19  cards
If the onset of symptoms or last ...,
If the inset of symptoms or last ...,
What are the initial protocols of...
4  cards
Scraps and tidbits
What is methotrexate used for,
Who prescribes methotrexate,
Methotrexate nurse verification c...
10  cards
Behavioral Health Emergencies
Patients with ocd or panic disord...,
Patient with acute psychosis and ...,
The death of a patient within 24 ...
43  cards
ESI and triage
The first question a nurse would ...,
Esi level 1 patients usually acco...,
Name some examples of an esi leve...
139  cards
Disaster Preparedness
The principles of disaster manage...,
____ was developed in the 1960 s ...,
Ics was created 30 years ago afte...
12  cards
Is anything other than a nsr,
Dysrhythmia electrical causes inc...,
Dysrhythmia pathological causes i...
139  cards
The skin can tolerate heat up to ...,
The most common source of scald r...,
____ ____ ____ and ____have less ...
27  cards
Forensic Nursing
After attending to a patients imm...,
What type of patients does a fore...,
What is a sane nurse
24  cards
Fluids And Electrolytes
Which dysrhythmia is associated w...,
Which hormone makes the renal col...,
Administration of a hypotonic sol...
92  cards
Endocrine Emergencies
What is the causal difference in ...,
Diabetic ketoacidosis has a __ __...,
Dka infection illness pregnancy o...
113  cards
Environmental Emergencies
This occurs most often in non acc...,
Describe the treatment for heat e...,
What causes heat cramps
95  cards
Ocular Emergencies
About __ of the population have u...,
Assessing the external features o...,
Evaluate the extraocular muscles ...
88  cards
Toxicologic Emergencies
Define toxicosis,
What are the 7 details you should...,
Define toxidrome
3  cards
Toxicologic Emergencies ptII; Specific emergencies
Toxic alcohol poisoning in additi...,
What is methanol where is it foun...,
What is isopropanol where is it f...
141  cards
Hematologic and Oncologic Emergencies
What is pallor what is a possible...,
What is flushing what is a possib...,
What is jaundice what is a possib...
60  cards
Head and Maxillofacial Trauma, ENT Emergencies
Intubation avoid nasotracheal int...,
What is a lefort fx 1,
What is a lefort fx 2
119  cards
Abdominal and genitourinary Trauma
What is kehr s sign,
What is cullens sign,
What is grey turners sign
35  cards
Spinal Trauma
Spinal trauma mechanisms of injur...,
Spinal trauma mechanisms of injur...,
Spinal trauma mechanisms of injur...
54  cards
Neurologic Emergencies
Name two scales used in neurologi...,
What is the four coma scale,
Neurologic emergencies patient as...
33  cards
Solheim CEN Introduction
0  cards
SCEN intro and answering strategies
After you sign up and pay the fee...,
After you get your authorization ...,
What is the website you go to to ...
17  cards
SCEN Medical Emergencies
How many of these questions are o...,
What are three main causes of hyp...,
What are the early s s of hyperka...
117  cards
SCEN Psychosocial Emergencies
If someones reality is different ...,
A psychosis caused by a physiolog...,
The onset of delerium is usually ...
10  cards

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cen prep 2021

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