This class was created by Brainscape user Zara Edwards. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the four cardinal featur...,
What causes rubor,
What causes calor at a site of in...
82  cards
Cell Metabolism
What does glycolysis produce,
What reaction is irreversible and...,
What is the complete reaction ste...
97  cards
Integration Of Metabolism
What forms of energy production d...,
During light contraction of skele...,
During vigorous contraction how i...
82  cards
Creatine Kinase
What is creatine kinase used for,
Where in the body is creatine kin...,
When is creatine kinase released ...
25  cards
Epithelial Cells And Tissues
What are epithelial cells,
What is the importance of having ...,
What is the importance of epithel...
61  cards
What are the three primary source...,
What breaks down dietary fats,
What are needed to solubilize die...
44  cards
Cell Integrity
Generation of atp through the use...,
Through what mechanism is the bul...,
Where do the reactions of oxidati...
63  cards
What is the extra cellular matrix,
What type of components does the ...,
What does fibrillar mean
88  cards
Cell Signaling
What are the four reasons we need...,
What is meant by self preservation,
What are the two systems which pr...
62  cards
Cell Replication
What is the cell cycle,
What stages of the cell cycle mak...,
What factors do different rates o...
62  cards
Cell Injury And Fate
What are the two types of cell in...,
What is lethal cell injury,
What is sublethal injury
46  cards
What are benign cancers,
What is the definition of a tumour,
What are neoplasms
45  cards
Fluid Compartments
What is the most plentiful cation...,
What is the most plentiful cation...,
Is cl found in a higher concentra...
45  cards
Enzyme Kinetics
Which enzyme is used in the enzym...,
Why is chymotrypsin considered a ...,
What does chymotrypsin do
28  cards
What does a histopathologist do,
What does a cytopathologist do,
What are the four tissue samples ...
60  cards

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