This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Cortabitarte. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

DNA (lectures 1-5)
What are the 3 domains of organ c...,
What is the cell theory,
What are the 3 general characteri...
141  cards
RNA (lectures 6-9)
What is the process by which dna ...,
Rna transcripts can be decoded to...,
Describe the difference in strand...
92  cards
Gene expression (lectures 10 - 11)
Why is gene expression regulated,
What are the 2 types of genes in ...,
What are the 2 types of mutations
49  cards
Molecular cloning
What is molecular cloning,
What is recombinant dna,
What is the purpose of molecular ...
33  cards
What does pcr stand for,
Why is pcr needed if molecular cl...,
What is the basic process of pcr
75  cards
What is dna sequencing,
What can go wrong with molecular ...,
Why is dna sequencing useful
24  cards
Molecular Biology Techniques
What is the central dogma of gene...,
What are 3 ways to analyse gene e...,
What is does a hybridisation meth...
28  cards
What causes cystic fibrosis,
What are 3 uses of epigenetic gen...,
What is the benefit of sub cellul...
65  cards
The nucleus
How many genes do bacteria have,
What roles does the nucleus under...,
Why doesn t alternative splicing ...
43  cards
The Secretory pathway
What is the secretory pathway,
What does the enzyme scramblase do,
What does the energy dependent fl...
22  cards
What do cells take up,
Why is a lower ph needed in the e...,
What are the 3 different fates fo...
19  cards
Transport into mitochondria & peroxisomes
What is the primary function of t...,
What is the first step in the mit...,
What happens when the pyruvate en...
35  cards
Cell motility
What does cell motility require,
Describe what is required for cel...,
Describe what is required for cel...
34  cards
Extracellular matrix
How much of our body is cell,
What are examples of specialised ...,
What does the extracellular matri...
24  cards
Cell junctions
What are 3 types of cell junctions,
What are belt desmosomes,
What are cadherins
34  cards
The cell cycle
What is required to prevent the i...,
What are the 3 critical events th...,
What do almost all normal cells r...
42  cards
What are the 2 phases of anaphase,
What is a chromosome,
What is a centromere
29  cards
How many version of each chromoso...,
What 2 locations does meiosis occur,
What 2 processes occur during mei...
27  cards
What are the 2 ways cells die,
What is necrosis,
What is apoptosis
22  cards
Cancer pathology
What is cancer,
How high is the risk of cancer ar...,
What are 3 environmental influenc...
38  cards

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cell & molecular biology

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