This class was created by Brainscape user erin walton-ball. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Joint Disorders
Is reactive arthritis usually sym...,
Is reactive arthritis inflammator...,
What are the treatment steps in s...
6  cards
CCFP practice test 1
Name common side effects of lithium,
What should be checked on blood w...,
What is the therapeutic level of ...
47  cards
ccfp practice test 2
Name 6 risk factors for plantar f...,
What are 5 pregnancy labour relat...,
Name 3 antihypertensives that are...
45  cards
ccfp prac test 3
What are two poc tests for gas fo...,
What are three benefits to treati...,
What are the criteria of subclini...
57  cards
generehlist DVT
If someone has a wells score of 1...,
If someone has d dimer 2 or above...,
What are three positive aspects o...
28  cards
ccfp spring practice exam4
Is antiphospholipid syndrome inhe...,
Name 4 inherited sydnromes associ...,
How to prevent post thrombotic sy...
12  cards
neuro cards
Management of bells palsy,
If a patient has a tia what is th...,
Does bells palsy spare the forehead
32  cards
Cardio FM learner
What are the four possibilities o...,
What are some possibilities for a...,
Pathological causes of left axis ...
28  cards
Derm FM learner
Management of mild mod acne,
What is comedonal acne,
Which antibiotics are used topica...
8  cards
What antibodies do you test for f...,
What are the manifestations of sj...,
Which glands could be biopsied to...
32  cards
obgyn FM learner FP notebook
Name 6 contraindications to combi...,
How many days post coitus is the ...,
Which emergency contraceptives ar...
70  cards
What are the imaging modalities u...,
What are the screening recommenda...,
What are the screening recommenda...
13  cards
What are risk factors for thyroid...,
What is the goal dosing of thyroi...,
If one thyroid cyst is aspirated ...
5  cards
PRactice questions
List 10 indications for osteoporo...,
What are clinical assessments for...
32  cards
practice questions2
At what point do you consider cea...,
What are the time criteria for pe...,
How long should someone ideally b...
13  cards
family medicine notes questions
Name the bedside test used to det...,
Name three medications used to tr...,
What are risk factors for retaine...
57  cards
continued family med notes qs
Criteria for non suicidal self in...,
What is the recommended nap durat...,
What two criteria suggest need fo...
37  cards
Name of the scoring system for pa...,
Biggest risk factors for altitude...,
What are the symptoms of the zika...
22  cards
By what age are adhd symptoms hav...,
Name 5 criteria of oppositional d...,
Name the four pillars of conduct ...
9  cards
pneumonia + others
What is the definnition of commun...,
Most common cause of pneumonia in...,
Symptoms of pneumonia
18  cards
derm questions
Risk factors for psoriasis name 4,
What percent of patients with pso...,
How do you determine the severity...
6  cards
Diagnostic criteria for fibromyalgia,
Risk factors for ra name 3,
Name complications of untreated r...
14  cards
seizures + other
Epilepsy diagnsois criteria,
Do you need to start an antiepile...,
What factors would make you want ...
3  cards
What are some aggravating comorbi...,
Risk factors for severe asthma li...,
How is asthma diagnosed in a chil...
21  cards

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