This class was created by Brainscape user Jill Groeniger. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The Great War
What are the main causes of wwi,
How does militarism cause the war,
How do alliances cause the war
48  cards
Industrial Revolution COPY
What positive changes have happen...,
Describe how unions gained rights...,
Describe the working conditions o...
28  cards
Midterm Review
What type of government was used ...,
What institution was even more po...,
How was science treated at the time
99  cards
The Enlightenment
Why would kings of europe hate jo...,
How did the scientific revolution...,
Explain what the enclosure moveme...
26  cards
Describe what imperialism is,
Explain the economic reasons for ...,
Explain the social reasons europe...
31  cards
Midterm Review COPY
What is the enlightenment,
Give three examples of the major ...,
What is a cash crop
87  cards
The Great War COPY
What are the four main causes of ...,
What is militarism,
What were the complex web of alli...
35  cards
Rise of Totalitarianism
What is a totalitarian government,
What are four methods that dictat...,
What is censorship why does it work
48  cards
World War Two
How did hitler s mein kampf help ...,
What were the first two ways that...,
How did hitler take over austria
48  cards
Cold War Quiz
What was the cold war,
What is the difference between co...,
What caused the cold war
22  cards
Age of Revolutions
What sort of people were consider...,
Who was maximilien robespierre,
What was the purpose of the decla...
41  cards
Ancient Civilizations
Neolithic era was,
Definition of a civilization,
What are the 5 characteristics of...
40  cards

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cc world history

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Jill Groeniger's CC WORLD HISTORY flashcards for their NORTHRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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