cbc history america eisenhower

This class was created by Brainscape user Your_Lordship Of_Doom. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Economic boom i guess
In 1950 how big is population,
In 1960 how big is population,
When is population 1517m
14  cards
economy construction?
1948 1958 how many new homes built,
When 13m new homes built,
How many of the new homes built w...
7  cards
economy cars
In 1955 how many cars were manufa...,
When 8m cars made,
By 1960 how many of suburban fami...
7  cards
service industries
When r my stats,
How many service workers,
White collar others jobs
6  cards
growth of media and advertising
1950 how much spent on advertising,
1960 how much spent on advertising,
Who is the guy that sets up 1st p...
5  cards
Increased availability of credit
Who offered loans for famillies t...,
Who offered first credit card
9  cards
baby boom i guess
Birth rate around time,
Life magasine said what about teens,
When life magazone article on teens
4  cards
slightly catch all economy- homos and roads and tv and the like
1960 how many famillies have tv,
When interstate highway act,
Who might not like rise of tvs
8  cards
malls, fastfood, entertainment?
When 1st climate controlled mall ...,
What fist climate controlled mall...,
How many stores does southdale ce...
11  cards
generally actual economy faring under ike?
How many recessions,
When little recession,
When big recession
16  cards
farmers 1 thing
What farmers paid to do,
Why farmers paid to do,
How did f gov try to avoid a dang...
7  cards
causes??? Korean war
Us military funding 1950,
When us military 40b,
When soviet atomic bomb
3  cards
civil rights acts
1st civil rights when,
What did 1957 civli rights ct want,
1957 how many black people regist...
15  cards
general eisenhower foreign policy?
Money point in chance for peace s...,
12  cards

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cbc history america eisenhower

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