This class was created by Brainscape user Natalie Bubenheim. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Musculoskeletal System (1-14)
What 3 topics should be discussed...,
For forelimb lameness the head no...,
A dog with a head nod down on the...
371  cards
Infectious Diseases (1-7)
List 5 risks of vaccinations in cats,
Name the 3 core vaccines for cats...,
What feline vaccine used to be no...
216  cards
Emergency and Critical Care (1-3)
This is when tissue perfusion oxy...,
This is inadequate blood flow to ...,
What 3 things can cause tissue hy...
95  cards
Gastroenterology (1-13)
Name the termdifficulty eating sw...,
Name 3 general causes of dysphagia,
Name 4 physical morphological cau...
288  cards
Ophthalmology (1-9)
Name the spaces of the orbit,
Name 7 possible clinical signs of...,
Name the termprotrusion of a norm...
241  cards
Soft Tissue Surgery (1-16)
Name the 3 phases of wound healing,
Name the 3 goals of the inflammat...,
What is the role of neutrophils i...
348  cards
Diagnostic Imaging (1-6)
What phase of respiration do you ...,
Do you want high or low contrast ...,
What kvp and mas is needed for a ...
148  cards
Urology (1-5)
What is the normal daily water co...,
What is the normal daily water co...,
What is the normal daily urine pr...
125  cards
Clinical Methods
Name the cat mood based on facial...,
Name the cat mood based on facial...,
Name the cat mood based on facial...
7  cards
Haematology (1-4)
What 6 values must you have in or...,
What are the 2 erythrocyte indices,
Name 3 causes or routes for exter...
115  cards
Dermatology (1-12)
This is the outer most layer of t...,
Name the 3 cell types found in th...,
Where is the stratum corneum epid...
188  cards
Neurology (1-10)
Name the 4 things to observe in t...,
Name the 4 parts of the hands on ...,
Name 3 tools needed for a neurolo...
291  cards
Endocrinology (1-8)
What hormone is produced in the l...,
What hormone stimulates t4 produc...,
What is the major active thyroid ...
95  cards
Dentistry (1-4)
Name the 4 criteria of a normal bite,
Name the class of malocclusionneu...,
Name the class of malocclusionman...
102  cards
Animal Behaviour (1-6)
This is a behaviour that is probl...,
Name 5 common behaviour problems ...,
Name 4 common behaviour problems ...
68  cards
Toxicology (1-2)
Name the 3 stages of decontamination,
Name 4 locations where toxins are...,
How to prevent absorption of toxi...
54  cards
Reproduction (1-6)
What organ in the female lies bet...,
What marks puberty in female dogs,
What marks puberty in male dogs
104  cards
What are canine cardiac cases com...,
Is it common for cats to cough wi...,
What clinical sign is commonly se...
8  cards

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cat & dog

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