casli knowledge exam prep

This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Jones. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

sywtbai ch 11
Rehabilitation act of 1973,
Architectural barriers act
10  cards
Past and Present Certificates
Nic advanced,
Nic master
12  cards
Tenet 1,
Tenet 2,
Tenet 3
14  cards
Why is communication access so im...,
What is included in non verbal cues,
What makes up a contextual envior...
10  cards
sywtbai ch 2
What is humphries definition of c...,
Three subsets of norms and values,
Is tardiness a concept in collect...
10  cards
sywtbai ch 3
Language and culture are,
What percent of deaf people are b...,
How can interpreters be mindful o...
10  cards
sywtbai ch 4
Are people that lose their hearin...,
Deaf identity may include,
Deaf identity vs hoh identity
10  cards
sywtbai ch 5
What is schema,
How do people organize their scripts,
What is stereotyping
10  cards
sywtbai ch 6
What does dpn stand for,
Do deaf people target backlash at...,
What must interpreters do to unde...
10  cards
sywtbai ch 7
What is source language,
What is target language,
What is processing time
10  cards
sywtbai ch 8
Features of helper frame,
Conduit machine view,
Communication facilitation view
10  cards
sywtbai ch 9
What is asls modality,
What is asls grammatical structure,
When is asls time stated
10  cards
sywtbai ch 10
What physical requirements do int...,
What cognitive requirements do in...,
Linguistic cultural requirements
10  cards
sywtbai ch 12
What document do interpreters follow,
How do interpreters have a specia...,
How do interpreters deal with sen...
10  cards
sywtbai ch 13
What are the qualifications for r...,
Deaf community view of educationa...,
Special knowledge for working wit...
10  cards
sywtbai ch 14
Are there more interpreting jobs ...,
3 types of employment,
Typical pay rates
10  cards

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casli knowledge exam prep

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