This class was created by Brainscape user Gabrielle Clarke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Sports Massage
Purpose of athletic massage,
Adaptive sports mx,
The athletic or sports massage th...
65  cards
Overuse Injuries
Definition of overuse injuries,
Where can an overuse injury occur,
Activities with an overuse injury...
10  cards
Plantar Fasciitis
Definition of plantar fasciitis,
Plantar fasciitis is due to,
Plantar fascia usually occurs in ...
15  cards
Periostitis and Compartment Syndrom
What is periostitis,
Periostitis compartment syndrome ...,
Shin splints
25  cards
Definition of tendonitis,
What is a tendon,
2 types of tendons
34  cards
Definition of bursitis,
What is bursa,
Can you palpate bursa
13  cards
Frozen Shoulder
Definition of frozen shoulder,
Other names for frozen shoulder,
What is adhesive capsulitis
13  cards
When in only one joint its usuall...,
Hypermobility ranges from,
Hypermobility compensatory weakness
12  cards
What side does hypermobility tend...,
Types of hypomobile,
Causes hypomobile
3  cards
Degenerative Disc Disease
Definition ddd,
Disc s between vertebrae functions,
2 components to disc s
13  cards
Tmj Dysfunction
Definition tmj,
Tmj function,
3 components for tmj to occur
17  cards
Definition osteoarthritis,
Types of osteoarthritis,
9  cards
Understand Peripheral Nerve Lesions
15  cards
Nerve Regeneration
Wallerian degeneration,
Klumpkes paralysis,
Erbs paralysis
8  cards
Radial Nerve Lesions
Pathway radial nerve,
What muscles innervated by the ra...,
Wrist drop
3  cards
Ulnar Nerve Lesions
Pathway ulnar nerve,
Muscles innervated by ulnar nerve,
Compression sites
5  cards
Median Nerve Lesions
Pathway medial nerve,
Muscles innervated by the median ...,
Ape hand
5  cards
Sciatic Nerve Lesions
Pathway sciatic nerve lesions,
Muscles innervated by the sciatic...,
Drop foot
4  cards
Bells Palsy
Definition bells palsy,
Signs symptoms
9  cards
Understanding Compression Syndroms Of Peripheral Nerves
Definition compression syndromes ...,
Symptom picture
4  cards
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Definition thoracic outlet syndrome,
Anterior scalene syndrom,
Pec minor syndrome
4  cards

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carries class

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