caries symposium

This class was created by Brainscape user Dory Doo M.. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

introduction to caries symposium
What is necessary for caries to d...,
What flora causes caries,
Whats the first care management p...
13  cards
Impact of caries on tooth structure
What do you need to develop caries,
What is a white spot lesion,
What is an enamel lesion how does...
11  cards
Caries prevention
Describe the distribution of cari...,
What is early childhood caries an...,
How do diet and nutrition influen...
14  cards
caries management for young patients and children
How may you treat an occlusal non...,
How may you treat a cavitated occ...,
How may early interproximal carie...
13  cards
caries radiographs
What is cervical burnout,
You notice 4 5mm pocketing which ...,
Pocket depths exceed 6mm which ra...
8  cards
caries pattern and diagnosis
How may decalcification present w...,
Where may caries develop that are...,
Characteristics of smooth surface...
9  cards
caries diagnosis
Outline the process of diagnosing...,
How may debris gently be removed ...,
How may we view and diagnose inte...
8  cards
operative management of caries
What are the main purposes of too...,
What are some techniques that can...,
Best prognosis treatment
3  cards
non operative management of caries
What 4 factors are essential for ...,
What 3 main areas can be targeted...,
How may exposure to fluoride be i...
5  cards
role of fluoride in dental caries
How does the community receive fl...,
How is fluoride delivered in the ...,
How may fluoride be delivered at ...
13  cards
Role Of Saliva
How does saliva aid in preventing...
1  cards

More about
caries symposium

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Dory Doo M.'s CARIES SYMPOSIUM flashcards for their University of Dundee class now!

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