This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia Ennis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Lecture 1 - Career management
What is a career,
What is another definition of career,
Multiple unrelated jobs
22  cards
Lecture 2 - Goals, Experience and Networking
Why should we set goals,
Why should we write our goals down,
What are smart goals
8  cards
Lecture 3 - Emotional intelligence and people skills
What is the definition of emotion...,
What are the benefits of having a...,
How did daniel goleman 2002 outli...
17  cards
Lecture 4 - Teamwork and Leadership
Definition of teamwork,
What were the 9 team roles identi...,
23  cards
Lecture 5 - Transferable skills for the present and the future
What are digital skills,
What are technical skills,
What are digital and technical sk...
15  cards
Lecture 6 - Personality, Values and finding jobs
What is the most dominant theory ...,
What are the 5 traits,
What are the benefits of using pe...
15  cards
Lecture 7 - Academia
What is the role of an academic p...,
What are the steps you need to ta...,
What are the 2 categories for aca...
9  cards
Lecture 8 - Clinical Psychology
What does a clinical psychologist do,
What are some important skills fo...,
What is the clinical psychology a...
8  cards
Lecture 9 - Allied mental health professions
What do counselling psychologists do,
What are some responsibilities of...,
What is the difference between cl...
8  cards
Lecture 10 - Financial sector careers
What are the big four,
What are the 5 different services...,
Assurance audit
17  cards
Lecture 11 - Marketing and related careers
What is marketing,
Technology media and marketing,
Why is gender based marketing bad...
15  cards
Lecture 12 - Law enforcement related careers
Role of a police officer constable,
Responsibilities of a police officer,
Salary of a police officer
26  cards
Lecture 13 - Forensic Psychology
What is a forensic psychologist,
Responsibilities of a forensic ps...,
Salary of a forensic psychologist
12  cards
Lecture 14 - Government and Civil Service
What does parliament consist of,
What ares of the government can c...,
What are non departmental bodies
24  cards
Lecture 15 - HR, Organisational and Occupational Psychology
Role of hr,
Responsibilities of hr,
Salary of hr
11  cards
Lecture 16 - Teaching and Educational psychology
What is the role of a teacher,
Primary school teacher,
Secondary school teacher
16  cards
Lecture 17 - Social work
What is social work,
What are the 2 types of roles for...,
Statutory roles
7  cards
Lecture 18 - Charity sector
What else is the charity sector r...,
What do jobs in the charity secto...,
What are the 15 different roles y...
25  cards
Lecture 19 - Other research careers
What is the difference between re...,
Social research public policy,
Social research think tanks
4  cards
Lecture 20 - imposter syndrome + procrastination
What is imposter syndrome,
What is procrastination
2  cards

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careers in psychology

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