This class was created by Brainscape user Liam Lennox. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

Overview and Function of the Cardiovascular System
What is the function of the cardi...,
What are examples of things that ...,
How is the cardiovascular system ...
83  cards
Electrical Activity of the Heart
What is contraction of heart musc...,
What is a,
What is b
90  cards
A First Look at the ECG
In what plane do standard limb le...,
What are the 3 standard limb leads,
Where does sll i go from and to
98  cards
Anatomy of the CVS 1
What is the cardiovascular system...,
What are the different kinds of b...,
What is the heart
151  cards
Embryology of the CVS 1
What are the main stages in the e...,
In what week does the lateral pla...,
What does the lateral plate mesod...
112  cards
The Cardiac Cycle
What are the stages of the cardia...,
What happens during late diastole,
What happens during atrial systole
74  cards
Anatomy of the CVS 2
What is the cvs composed of,
What does the heart act as,
What do arteries do
73  cards
Embryology of the CVS 2
What are the 2 methods that blood...,
What is vasculogenesis,
What is the new formation of a pr...
81  cards
Regulation of Stroke Volume and Heart Rate
What is heart rate regulated by,
What are the 2 components of the ...,
What does the sympathetic nervous...
48  cards
Exchange and the Lymphatic System
What are capillaries specialised for,
Why are capillaries thin walled,
What is the advantage of capillar...
78  cards
Pressure and Flow in Arteries and Veins
What is measurement of arteriolar...,
What are the advantages of auscul...,
What are disadvantages of auscult...
47  cards
Short Term Control of Blood Pressure
What formula describes mean arter...,
Why does mean arteriolar pressure...,
What is the medical name for fain...
34  cards
Long Term Control of Blood Pressure
What does long term control of bl...,
What are the 3 main hormonal syst...,
What is antidiuretic factor also ...
49  cards
Hypertension - Pathophysiology, Presentation & Investigation
What is the worlds number 1 cause...,
What does a 2mmhg rise in blood p...,
How does the treatment of hyperte...
113  cards
Hypertension - Treatment
What is the first step to diagnos...,
What does abpm stand for,
What does hbpm stand for
116  cards
Pathophysiology of Atheroma
What is atheroma atherosclerosis,
What is formation of focal elevat...,
What is the difference in atherom...
71  cards
Stable Angina
What is angina,
What is a discomfort in the chest...,
What is myocardial ischaemia
98  cards
Pathophysiology of Thrombosis
What is normal blood flow,
What are the 2 kinds of abnormal ...,
What is stasis blood flow
41  cards
Rheumatic Heart Disease
What is rheumatic fever,
What is a complication of untreat...,
Where is rheumatic fever common
26  cards
Pathophysiology of Ischaemia & Infarction
What is ischaemia,
What is a restriction of blood su...,
What is hypoxia
85  cards
Valvular Heart Disease - Pathophysiology, Presentation & Investigation
What are some examples of valvula...,
What is mitral stenosis,
What is narrowing of the mitral v...
50  cards
ACS & AMI - Presentation & Investigation
What does acs stand for,
What is acute coronary syndrome,
What is any sudden event suspecte...
90  cards
Valvular and Ischemic Heart Disease - Therapy
What are some causes of cardiac i...,
What is aortic dissection,
What is a tear in the wall of the...
71  cards
Aneurysms & Carotid Artery Surgery - Presentation, Investigation & Therapy
What is aneurysm disease,
What is dilation of all layers of...,
What is the aetiology of aneurysm...
91  cards
Arterial Disease of the Limbs - Presentation, Investigation & Therapy
What are examples of arterial dis...,
What is a,
What is b
108  cards
Stroke - Presentation & Investigation
What is the commonest cause of lo...,
What percentage of nhs beds do pa...,
How much does stroke cost the uk ...
56  cards
Stroke - Therapy
How is stroke mortality changing ...,
Why are stroke units important,
Why do stroke units allow patient...
26  cards
SIHD & Angina - Therapy
What does sihd stand for,
What are acute coronary syndromes,
What are some acute coronary synd...
117  cards
Pathophysiology of Congestion & Oedema
What does water flow down,
What is darcys law,
What is congestion
61  cards
ACS & AMI - Therapy
What does acs stand for,
What does ami stand for,
What is in the spectrum of acute ...
46  cards
Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease
What are some causes of congenita...,
What does cnv stand for,
What does snv stand for
88  cards
Cardiomyopathy, Myocarditis & Pericarditis
What is cardiomyopathy,
What are different kinds of cardi...,
What are different kinds of peric...
93  cards
Infective Endocarditis - Presentation, Investigation & Therapy
What is infective endocarditis,
What is infection of the endocard...,
What are the 3 layers of the heart
63  cards
Aortic Disease - Pathophysiology, Presentation, Investigation & Therapy
What are examples of aortic diseases,
What are risk factors for atheros...,
Are males or females more at risk...
58  cards
Heart Failure - Treatment
What is chronic heart failure cha...,
What is heart failure,
What is the state at which the he...
70  cards
Arrhythmia - Pathophysiology, Presentation & Investigation
What are some different kinds of ...,
What is an ectopic heart beat,
What is it called when the heart ...
66  cards
Imaging Circulatory Disturbances
What questions should be asked fo...,
What are anatomical vascular imaging,
What are functional vascular imaging
35  cards
Venous & Lymphatic Disease - Presentation, Investigation & Therapy
What are varicose veins,
What are swollen and enlarged vei...,
What percentage of the population...
113  cards
Arrhythmia - Therapy
What is arrhythmia,
What is a deviation from the norm...,
What are examples of arrhythmias
113  cards
Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism - Presentation, Investigation & Therapy
What is thrombosis,
What is the formation of a thromb...,
What is a thrombus
64  cards
What are indications for ace inhi...,
What is ramipril,
What is lisionpril
95  cards

More about
cardiovascular system

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