cardiovascular and respiratory system

This class was created by Brainscape user Aamina Bux. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

The Heart
What are the functions of the car...,
What is the arrangement of the ca...,
What is the role of the valves
27  cards
Lung Function
Why is it important to know about...,
What is the function of the respi...,
What are the functions of the ela...
32  cards
Respiratory Mechanisms
Why do the lungs expand,
Why do the lungs never collapse a...,
What is inspiration
26  cards
Ventilation And Perfusion
How does the pulmonary circulatio...,
What is systemic circulation,
What is the gas composition of th...
23  cards
Control Of Respiration
Briefly describe the neural contr...,
Where do breathing patterns arise,
Describe the generation of the re...
23  cards
Blood-gas Transport
What is the average figure for ox...,
What is the average figure for ca...,
What is meant by partial pressure
45  cards
Haemodynamics And Peripheral Circulation
What are the distribution vessels,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What is the function of the arter...
19  cards
Acid-base Balance
What is an acid,
What is a base,
What is the ph of blood
46  cards
Cardiac Output And Blood Pressure
What is the role of the smooth mu...,
What is compliance,
What does compliance do
32  cards
Regulation Of Blood Pressure
How does stretch affect the smoot...,
What is meant by intrinsic contro...,
What are local mediators
24  cards
Regulation Of Cardiac Output
Describe the process of calcium i...,
What is the importance of calcium...,
What are the key mechanisms that ...
17  cards

More about
cardiovascular and respiratory system

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