This class was created by Brainscape user Laycee Jesson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1.1.1 The dynamic nature of business
What is a dynamic business,
How are business ideas generated,
What does the changing in technol...
4  cards
1.1.2 Risk and reward
How can a risk be reduced,
What can risks include,
What can cause business failure
8  cards
1.1.3 The role of business enterprise
What is a good,
What is a service,
What is adding value
6  cards
1.2.1 Customer needs
What are customer needs,
What do customer needs include,
What do businesses need to do to ...
5  cards
1.2.2 Market research
What is market research,
What can market research do,
What is primary research
14  cards
1.2.3 Market segmentation
What is marget segmentation,
How are markets segmented,
How is location segmented
10  cards
1.2.4 The competitive environment
How does competition occur,
What is a competitive enviroment,
What do businesses need to do to ...
9  cards
1.3.1 Business aims and objectives
What are aims,
What are objectives,
What does smart stand for
12  cards
1.3.2 Business revenues, costs and profits
What will the business pay on the...,
How can a business earn extra rev...
2  cards
1.3.3 Cash and cash-flow
What is cash flow,
What is cash inflow,
What is cash outflow
11  cards
1.3.4 Sources of business finance
What is sources of finance,
What do sources of finance assist...,
What are short term sources of fi...
33  cards
1.4.1 The options for start-up and small businesses
What is liability,
What are the two types of liability,
What are the characteristics of l...
18  cards
1.4.2 Business location
What is the right location for a ...,
What do business in the primary s...,
What does
9  cards
1.4.3 The marketing mix
0  cards
1.4.4 Business plans
What is a business plan,
Why do entrepreneurs use business...,
What does a business plan contain
3  cards
1.5.1 Business stakeholders
What is a stakeholder,
What are internal stakeholders,
What are external stakeholders
8  cards
1.5.2 Technology and business
What does e commerce make possible,
What has e commerce created,
What has technology brought
6  cards
1.5.3 Legislation and business
What is legislation,
What does legislation do,
What are the principles of employ...
5  cards
1.5.4 The economy and business
What is economic climate,
How is the economy measured,
What is consumer income
5  cards
1.5.5 External influences
What are the benefits of technology,
What are the criticisms of techno...,
What is the purpose of employment...
13  cards

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business unit 1

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