business theme 4

This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Price. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

4.1.1- growing economies
What is an economy,
What is an emerging market,
What are 3 features of an emergin...
10  cards
4.1.2- international trade
Why trade internationally,
What does specialisation mean and...,
How can a business operate intern...
6  cards
4.1.3- factors contributing to increased globalisation
What does globalisation mean,
What 8 factors contribute to glob...,
What is trade liberalisation
7  cards
4.1.4- protectionism
What are 3 reasons to restrict trade,
What is a tariff,
What are pros and cons to tariffs
9  cards
4.1.5- trading bloc
What is a trading bloc,
What is the eu trading bloc,
What is the asean trading bloc
9  cards
4.2.1- conditions that prompt trade
What are the pull and push factor...,
Why is saturated markets at push ...,
Why may competition be a push fac...
7  cards
4.2.2- assessment of a country as a market
What are the 5 ways to assess a c...,
How does disposable income help a...,
How does ease of doing business h...
6  cards
4.2.3- assessment of a country as a production location
What are the 5 ways to assess a c...,
How does infrastructure help asse...,
Why is it good for a business to ...
5  cards
4.2.4- reasons for global mergers or joint ventures
What is a joint venture,
What is a cross border merger,
What is a cross border acquisition
7  cards
4.2.5- global competitiveness
What is a competitive advantage,
How can a business gain a competi...,
What are three ways to reduce costs
5  cards
4.4.1The impact on MNCs
What are 5 pros of mncs,
What are 5 cons of mncs,
What are the impacts of mncs on l...
6  cards
4.1.1- impact of MNCs p2
What does fdi mean,
What are the pros with fdi
2  cards
4.1.1 part 3
How will investment from mncs hav...,
What technology and skill transfe...,
What is export production
4  cards
What are ethics,
What are some ethical corporate o...,
What is inwards direct investment
4  cards
What is ethnocentric,
What is polycentric,
What is geocentric
3  cards
Controlling MNCs
What are 4 ways to control mncs,
How does political affect mnc,
How does legal affect mncs
5  cards

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business theme 4

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