business theme 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Ethan Keeley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

2.1.1 Internal Finance
Internal finance,
Advantages of internal finance,
Disadvantages of external finance
10  cards
2.1.2 External Finance
Bank loan,
Advantages of bank loans,
Disadvantages of bank loans
16  cards
2.1.3 Liability
Limited liability,
Unlimited liability,
Implications of limited liability
6  cards
2.1.4 Planning
Business plan,
Purpose of business plans,
Cash flow forecasts
5  cards
2.2.1 Sales Forecasting
Sales forecast,
Advantages of sales forecasts,
Disadvantages of sales forecasting
8  cards
2.2.2 Sales, Revenue and Costs
Sales revenue,
Sales volume,
Fixed costs
4  cards
2.2.3 Break-Even
Closing bank balance,
Net cash flow,
Total variable costs
9  cards
2.2.4 Budgets
Purpose of budgets planning,
Purpose of budgets
21  cards
2.3.1 Profits
Gross profit,
Operating profit,
Net profit
18  cards
2.3.2 Liquidity
Current assets,
15  cards
2.3.3 Business Failure
Internal causes,
Internal causes lack of funds,
Internal causes failure to innovate
14  cards
2.4.1 Methods of Production
Job production,
Advantages of job production,
Disadvantages of job production
13  cards
2.4.1 Production and Efficiency
Labour productivity,
Capital productivity
19  cards
2.4.2 Capacity Utilisation
Capacity utilisation,
Capacity utilisation formula,
Capacity over utilisation
10  cards
2.4.3 Stock Control
Buffer stock,
Re order level,
Re order quantity
14  cards
2.4.4 Quality
Quality control,
Advantages of quality control
7  cards
2.5.1 Economic Influences
Exchange rates,
Interest rates
8  cards
2.5.2 Legislation
Advantages of legislation,
Disadvantages of legislation
3  cards
2.5.3 The Competitive Environment
Market size,
Impact of competition on businesses,
Impact of competition on business...
6  cards

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business theme 2

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