business policy & strategy

This class was created by Brainscape user Q A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: Q A

Decks in this class (31)

Porter's 5 Forces
Why are porter s 5 forces important,
What are porter s 5 forces bessi,
Name potential new entrants
29  cards
The External Environment
Opportunities, Threats, Industry Competition, and Competitor Analysis
11  cards
The Internal Environment
Resources, Capabilities, and Competitive Advantages
17  cards
Business Model Canvas
Define value proposition,
Define customer segments,
Define customer channels
10  cards
Business Unit Strategy
What is business level strategy,
What is,
What are consumer markets
13  cards
What is competitive rivalry,
What are competitive dynamics,
Strategic action or strategic res...
10  cards
Acquisitions and Restructuring
Define merger,
Define acquisition,
Define takeover
8  cards
What is corporate level strategy,
What is the value of corporate le...,
List types of diversification
9  cards
International Strategy
List advantages of international ...,
Define porter s diamond,
List generic international strate...
9  cards
CAGE Framework
What is the cage framework,
List the different types of dista...
2  cards
Describe strategic alliances,
Advantages of strategic alliances...,
Type of cooperative strategies are
9  cards
Name the 5 innovation skills,
2  cards
Top Management Teams
Define top management teams tmts,
What is a heterogeneous tmt,
Dispersed compressed compensation...
19  cards
How CEOs Manage Time
There is no substitute for face t...,
What does it mean to be agenda dr...,
Why is spending time with all typ...
10  cards
How Managers Become Leaders
List the 7 siesmic shifts,
Describe the shift from specialis...,
Describe the shift from analyst t...
9  cards
Corporate Governance
Define corporate governance,
List the mechanism of corporate g...,
List the advantages of corporate ...
27  cards
Describe countrywide prior to the...,
Describe subprime loans,
Describe factors that influenced ...
9  cards
Target used a cost leadership dif...,
High degree of social responsibility,
List challenges with target s bus...
8  cards
Ecological Trends for 2024 & Beyond
List economic consequences for th...,
How are natural disasters becomin...,
The government has allocated over...
12  cards
Organizational Structure
Define organizational structure,
Define structural stability,
Define structural flexibility
25  cards
List ways hierarchies can help te...,
How can hierarchies help teams ge...,
Describe bounding solutions
12  cards
CEOs can make or break a redesign
Describe organizational redesign,
List aspects of the redesign process,
List importances of ceo involvement
5  cards
Jack Welch & GE
List some characteristics of ge p...,
List personal traits of jack welch,
List ways welch restructured ge
13  cards
What is the common problem netfli...,
List the goals netflix had to add...,
What is netflix s definition of c...
10  cards
Formula 1 - Mercedes-AMG Toto Wolff
Describe the techniques toto wolf...,
Describe setting high standards,
Describe focusing on people
10  cards
Government and Business
What are institutions,
What are formal institutions,
What are informal institutions
31  cards
Geopolitical Risk
What is geopolitical risk,
Geopolitical risks are rising due...,
Geopolitical risk can exacerbate ...
11  cards
Corporate Spending in State Politics
Firms attempt to shape their regu...,
Why do firms seek to influence pu...,
Describe how regulations permit s...
12  cards
What does entrepreneurship concern,
Describe entrepreneurial opportun...,
Describe the value of entrepreneu...
21  cards
Airbnb, Etsy, & Uber
How did the founders of airbnb so...,
What is bootstrapping,
How did airbnb use incubators
17  cards
The Soul of a Startup
0  cards

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business policy & strategy

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