business - paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user sophia yu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

The dynamic nature of business
What is an entrepreneur
1  cards
Risk and Reward
What are possible rewards to sett...,
What are possible risks to settin...,
What makes a business riskier tha...
3  cards
The role of business enterprise
What do businesses do,
What is adding value closely link...,
What are some ways to add value
3  cards
The importance of added value
What s a benefit of added value
1  cards
The role of entrepreneurship
What are important enterprise skills,
How do entrepreneurs create new p...,
How do entrepreneurs benefit the ...
3  cards
Customer needs 1 + 2
What are ways to increase cost ri...,
What are the customer needs,
What are some personal circumstan...
3  cards
Role of market research
Whats the purpose of market research
1  cards
Types of market research
What is primary research,
A few examples of primary research
6  cards
Market research data
What is qualitative data,
What is quantitative data,
How can market research data be b...
6  cards
Market segmentation
What is a market segment,
What does segmenting a market do,
What are some ways to segment a m...
5  cards
Market mapping
What does market mapping help in,
What is a market map,
What are the common two variables...
4  cards
What are some ways to compete,
2  cards
Competitive markets
What makes a competitive market,
What are some drawbacks of highly...
2  cards
Aims and objectives
What is the objectives hierarchy,
What are examples of a financial ...,
What are some examples of a non f...
3  cards
Differing aims and objectives
1  cards
Revenue and costs - CALCS
What is sales revenue turnover,
How do you calculate the sales re...,
What is a fixed cost
6  cards
Profit and loss - CALCS
What is profit,
How do you calculate profit
2  cards
Break even charts
Where is the break even point on ...,
What is break even,
How does the break even point on ...
7  cards
Using break even
How do you calculate the margin o...,
Why might a business use a break ...
2  cards
Calculating cash flow
What is cash flow,
What is a cash flow forecast,
How can a cash flow forecast help
4  cards
Importance of cash to a business
What is cash,
Why is negative cash flow bad
2  cards
Short term sources of finance
What are the needs for finance,
What are some short term sources ...,
What is the feature of short term...
6  cards
Long term sources of finance
What are some long term sources o...,
2  cards
Limited liability
What is liability,
What is unlimited liability,
What are sole traders
5  cards
Types of business ownerships
What are advantages of partnerships
1  cards
What is a franchisee,
What is a franchisor,
What does the franchisee get from...
4  cards
Business location
1  cards
Marketing mix
1  cards
Influences on the marketing mix
How might a business adapt to mee...,
2  cards
Business plan
What is the purpose of a business...,
Who uses a business plan
2  cards
Nature of business planning
What should a business plan consi...,
2  cards
What is a stakeholder,
2  cards
Stakeholder conflict
1  cards
Technology and business
What are some types of technology...
1  cards
Principles of consumer law
What is consumer law,
What are some drawbacks of consum...,
What are some advantages of consu...
3  cards
Principles of employment law
What is employment law,
What are some principles of emplo...,
What are some drawbacks of employ...
4  cards
Economy and business
What does the level of demand in ...,
What are the impacts of high demand,
What are the impacts of low demand
3  cards
Unemployment and inflation
What is the impact of employment ...,
What is inflation,
3  cards
Interest rates
What is an interest rate,
What happens when theres a rise i...
2  cards
Exchange rates
What is exchange rate,
2  cards
External influences
What are some opportunities in ex...,
What are some threats in external...
2  cards

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business - paper 1

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