business information systems

This class was created by Brainscape user Nthalala Moketla. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Chapter 1
What is the value of information ...,
What can result in a successful p...,
Define a system
22  cards
Chapter 1.2
List the type of e commerces,
Explain mobile commerce,
Define an erp system
18  cards
Chapter 2
What is the use of information sy...,
Define an organization,
Define the value chain
27  cards
Chapter 3
List and explain the elements of ...,
Explain the functions of the prim...,
Explain the function of the secon...
7  cards
Chapter 4
What are the types of software,
Define a computer program,
Explain systems software operatin...
14  cards
Chapter 5
What is the most common database,
The stages to approach a database,
Define ddl and mention its function
19  cards
Sample test
The primary purpose of business i...,
A computer program is a sequence ...,
System software is not essential ...
19  cards
Chapter 6
Define telecommunications,
Explain the general model of tele...,
Define a telecommunications medium
24  cards
Chapter 6.2
List the various types of communi...,
Define analogue signal,
Define digital signal
25  cards
Chapter 6.3
Define the network operating syst...,
Define network management software,
List the network management products
19  cards
Chapter 7
Define enterprise resource planni...,
What are the functions of an erp ...,
What do erp systems use to store ...
26  cards
Chapter 7.2
Explain supplier management,
Explain financial transactions,
Explain online transaction proces...
10  cards
Chapter 8
What are the three stages of the ...,
Explain the intelligence stage,
Explain the design stage
27  cards
Chapter 9
Define a kms knowledge management...,
Explain explicit knowledge,
Explain tacit knowledge
30  cards
Chapter 9.2
What does an inference engine do,
Define backward chaining,
Define forward chaining
13  cards
Chapter 10
Define persuasive computing ubiqu...,
What does hotspot mean,
List the devices that can make us...
9  cards

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business information systems

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