business btec level 3 - unit 6

This class was created by Brainscape user Ellie Nicolaou 12. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

What is the definition of a leader,
What is the definition of a manager,
What is strategic leadership
11  cards
Functions of management and leadership
What are the functions of a manager,
What are the functions of a leader
2  cards
Business culture
What is business culture,
How is business culture shown,
What does business culture influence
6  cards
Management and leadership styles
How is management leadership styl...,
What is autocratic leadership,
What is democratic leadership
8  cards
Management and leadership skills
What are the key management leade...,
What theories are associated with...,
How can a leader manager develop ...
3  cards
Managing human resources
What are the functions of hr,
What are the functions of production,
What is the labour market
9  cards
What is globalisation,
What are the benefits of globalis...,
Effects of globalisation on hr
5  cards
Human resource planning
What is human resource planning,
What does human resource planning...,
What is necessary to consider whe...
9  cards
Labor turnover
Why do businesses loose staff,
Define the term labor turnover,
What does a higher labor turnover...
8  cards
Define the term skill shortages,
How do hr deal with skill shortages,
Where does work place stress stem...
7  cards
Motivation in the workplace
Define the term motivation,
Describe maslow s motivation theo...,
Advantages and disadvantages of m...
12  cards
Techniques to meet skill requirements
Define the term recruitment state...,
Define the term upskilling state ...,
Define the term reskilling state ...
7  cards
Training and development
What is the purpose of training a...,
What is a training needs analysis...,
Define internal training and its ...
11  cards
Performance Appraisal
What is a performance appraisal,
What is the purpose of a performa...,
What should a business consider w...
11  cards
Impact on change
Define change management,
Why is change so important to bus...,
Why is change so important to bus...
6  cards
Stakeholders impact on change
Why do shareholders have an impac...,
Why do managers and employees hav...,
Why do customers have an impact o...
9  cards
Methods of overcoming resistance to change
What is the reason for failed cha...,
Explain the approach to overcomin...,
Explain the approach to overcomin...
7  cards
Quality management
What is the meaning of quality,
Explain the importance of quality
8  cards
Developing a quality culture
What does it mean if a business d...,
What is setting quality standards...,
What does setting quality standar...
10  cards
Techniques and tools of quality management
What method can be used for handl...,
What is lean manufacturing,
Define jit just in time manufactu...
6  cards

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business btec level 3 - unit 6

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