This class was created by Brainscape user Karolina Kowalczyk. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Basics/Lymphatics/Vasculature/Body Cavities
When sensory information comes to...,
Collection of nerve cell bodies o...,
Collection of nerve cell bodies w...
90  cards
Lines walls of the thoracic cavity,
Lines surface of the lung,
Space between the visceral and pa...
45  cards
What two membranes contribute to ...,
Remnants of the foramen ovale,
What is anterior and posterior to...
34  cards
Layers of the scalp,
What are the 3 parts of the trige...,
The trigeminal nerve provides wha...
94  cards
Sensory innervation of the abdomi...,
Build up of fluid in the peritone...,
Attaches intraperitoneal viscera ...
39  cards
The kidneys are located where in ...,
Two lumbar plexus nerves originat...,
Lumbar plexus nerve that is pierc...
27  cards
Hip, Gluteal Region, & Thigh
Functions of the lower extremities,
3 bones of the pelvis,
Hip socket
114  cards
What are the two phases of gait,
What occurs during the stance phase,
What occurs during the swing phase
28  cards
Knee, Ankle, Foot
3 extracapsular ligaments of the ...,
3 intracapsular ligaments of the ...,
Function of acl
85  cards
Back & Spine
Which curvatures have lordosis wh...,
What is the difference between pr...,
What are the processes of a vertebra
46  cards
Upper Extremity
What are the static stabilizers o...,
What are the 3 elbow ligaments,
What are the 7 forearm and hand l...
173  cards
Where does the cerebellum sit,
What are the 3 layers of the meni...,
Which layer of the meninges absor...
138  cards
What is the inguinal canal made u...,
What runs in the inguinal canal,
What is retroperitoneal in the pe...
25  cards

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bupa anatomy

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