This class was created by Brainscape user Amelia D. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Scientific Argumentation and Cell Model (#1)
Flow of genetic information ______,
6  cards
Bonds (#1)
Definition of a bond,
Complete the sentence to describe...,
Complete the sentence to describe...
24  cards
Ph is inversely related to the co...,
2  cards
What is a typical cell made of,
What are the kinds of macromolecules,
Functions of __________ enzymes t...
21  cards
Gene Expression
What characteristics of life do c...,
Transformation is defined as,
Define virulent
48  cards
Bioenergetics and Enzymes
Forms of energy,
Releases energy,
Requires energy
15  cards
Membranes, Compartments, and Transportation
Where are cellular membranes prok...,
Examples of components of cellula...,
______________ a characteristic o...
22  cards
Energy Metabolism
Metabolic pathway
14  cards
Cellular Respiration
The synthesis of atp is exergonic...,
What major metabolic process is c...,
Cellular respiration is a catabol...
5  cards
Without coupling the synthesis of...,
What are the inputs to the light ...,
What are the products outputs of ...
18  cards
Energy and Matter Transformations
____________catabolic with regard...,
Anabolic with regards to the carb...,
In a favorable chemical reaction ...
5  cards
Cell Communation
Three examples of how cells might...,
Types of molecules involved in ce...,
F the same signal causes a differ...
23  cards
Cell Cycle
Cell theory,
Why do single celled organisms un...,
Why do multicellular organisms un...
16  cards
Cell Cycle Regulation
________ a protein that is synthe...,
How are cyclin protein levels inc...,
How are cyclin protein levels dec...
10  cards
DNA Replication
During which phase of the cell cy...,
How did the structure of dna lead...,
What does it mean for dna replica...
11  cards
Ras and Cancer
__________ any activator in the p...,
Molecules in the receptor kinase ...,
Mutations typically associated wi...
12  cards
Regulation of Gene Expression
How gene regulation is related to...,
With few exceptions the cells in ...,
Most gene regulation occurs at th...
11  cards
Regulation of Gene Expression II
The structure of an operon,
When an operon with three genes i...,
When an operon with three genes i...
19  cards
Gene Regulation
Lac operon regulation the activat...,
The repressor must not be bound t...,
Lac operon regulation when is lac...
8  cards
DNA Damage and Mutation
Define mutation,
Most mutations are spontaneous oc...,
All mutations are harmful true false
19  cards
Alleles and Phenotypes
0  cards

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