This class was created by Brainscape user Dean Whaley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (80)

Upper GI Tract
Where does the oesophagus start a...,
Name the 2 oesophageal sphincters,
What are the 4 anatomical contrib...
88  cards
Upper GI Tract
What investigation would you carr...,
Patient goes home as symptoms eas...,
What is the most likely perforate...
24  cards
Renal Regulation of water & acid-base balance
What is osmotic pressure dependen...,
How do you work out osmolarity,
What percentage of body weight is...
50  cards
Sodium and Potassium Balance
Define osmolarity,
Define 1 osmole,
What is normal plasma osmolarity
60  cards
Chronic Kidney disease & Renal Failure
What are the homeostatic function...,
What are the excretory functions ...,
What are the endocrine functions ...
35  cards
What are the 5 main hormones made...,
What regulates the anterior pitui...,
What is primary disease
36  cards
Disorders of Vasopressin
What type of tissue is the poster...,
What is the posterior pituitary m...,
What are the two main hormones in...
30  cards
Pituitary tumours
What would a pituitary tumour of ...,
What would a pituitary tumour of ...,
What would a pituitary tumour of ...
37  cards
What are the 2 effects of tsh on ...,
Briefly summarise control of thyr...,
What level of tsh will you find i...
24  cards
Primary Adrenal Failure
What is a steroid,
What is the effect of angiotensin 2,
What is the mechanism of action o...
25  cards
Adrenal disorders
When should you sample the cortis...,
What is it called if you have too...,
What are the clinical features of...
29  cards
Calcium dysregulation
What increases calcium,
What decreases calcium,
How do we replenish vitamin d
28  cards
What is infertility,
What is primary infertility,
What is secondary infertility
54  cards
Reproductive treatments
How would you carry out testoster...,
What are the options for testoste...,
What are the safety concerns asso...
41  cards
What is obesity,
What causes obesity,
What drugs can be prescribed for ...
5  cards
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
What is type 1 diabetes,
Why is the dichotomy of diabetes ...,
When does type 1 diabetes present
40  cards
Type 2 diabetes
What is type 2 diabetes,
At what age can you get type 2 di...,
What are the fasting glucose leve...
36  cards
Micro & Macro-vasculature complications of diabetes
What are the microvascular compli...,
What are the macro vascular compl...,
What is the relationship between ...
39  cards
Structural heart disease
What gives rise to the first hear...,
What happens in the isovolumetric...,
What gives rise to the t wave on ...
56  cards
What are cardiomyopathies,
What are the 3 main types of card...,
What happens in dilated cardiomyo...
21  cards
Valvular disease and Heart failure
How do you calculate cardiac output,
How do you calculate stroke volume,
How do you calculate ejection fra...
14  cards
Asthma and Respiratory Immunology
Why is asthma important,
What are the main features of asthma,
What happens in asthma
28  cards
ECG & rhythm disorders
What can be spotted on an ecg,
What do upward and downward defle...,
What does the isoelectric line re...
35  cards
Lung cancer
Who gets lung cancer,
What are some causes of lung canc...,
What are the 4 main groups of lun...
20  cards
Respiratory tract infections & Immunity
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
44  cards
Respiratory failure
Define respiratory failure,
What 3 main areas can be affected...,
What is the epidemiology of chron...
36  cards
Describe primary haemostasis,
Describe secondary haemostasis,
What happens in fibrinolysis
64  cards
Exersize Capacity
What is essential for efficient g...,
What would happen if alveoli were...,
How do we evaluate exercise capac...
18  cards
Arterial Blood Gas
What is the pulmonary transit time,
What is normal blood ph,
Why is it important to regulate b...
8  cards
Vascular Endothelium in Cardiovascular disease
Where do most endothelial cells r...,
What are the 3 layers of blood ve...,
What are capillaries made up of
38  cards
Coronary Heart Disease
What are modifiable risk factors ...,
What are non modifiable risk fact...,
What is the abdce approach in tre...
48  cards
Cerebral Cortex
What is the nature of the structu...,
How are different regions of the ...,
What is the function of the front...
45  cards
Multiple sclerosis
What is ms,
What are the symptoms of ms,
What happens in basic peripheral ...
21  cards
Cerebral vasculature
What are the perfusion demands of...,
What are the arteries that supply...,
What do the vertebral arteries fu...
24  cards
Pharmacology of Diabetes
What is the primary effect of met...,
What does ampk stand for,
What is the primary site for metf...
26  cards
Pharmacology of Epilepsy
What is the primary mechanism of ...,
What are the main side effects of...,
What is the target of lamotrigine
17  cards
Pharmacology of Depression
What is the primary mechanism of ...,
What is the primary target of ser...,
What are the main side effects of...
22  cards
Pharmacology of Hypertension
What are some examples of angiote...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are the main side effects of...
25  cards
Skin in Systemic Disease
Why is the skin important in syst...,
What is an example of a test used...,
What are the 2 main groups of lup...
58  cards
Motor Cortical Control
What is the hierarchical organiza...,
How is the motor system segregated,
What are the two types of major d...
51  cards
Neuromuscular control
Which muscle fibres convey sensor...,
Where are the alpha motor neurons...,
What contains all alpha motor neu...
30  cards
Gut Immunology
What is the surface area of the g...,
What makes up the antigen load th...,
What state describes the gi tract...
55  cards
Disorders of Appetite
Define polydipsia,
Define adipsia,
Describe anorexia
20  cards
Malnutrition and Nutritional assessment
Define malnutrition,
Who is at risk of malnutrition,
What is the impact of malnutritio...
33  cards
GI Cancers
What are the cancers of the epith...,
What are the cancers of the neuro...,
What are the cancers of connectiv...
53  cards
General Surgery in the GI Tract
What is the approach for the mana...,
What could ruq pain be,
What could epigastric pain be
61  cards
Pancreatic causes of abdominal pain
What are the symptoms of biliary ...,
What are the symptoms of acute ch...,
What are the symptoms of acute ch...
12  cards
Psychiatric Disorders throughout the life course
Define adjustment reaction,
Define organic delusional disorder,
What happens in post stroke psych...
16  cards
What is a simple definition for p...,
What are the positive symptoms of...,
What are some negative symptoms o...
39  cards
Mood Disorders
Define mood disorders,
What is the prevalence of mood di...,
What is the gender distribution o...
40  cards
Serotonin and Depression
What is the monoamine deficiency ...,
What is the indirect evidence for...,
What is the indirect evidence for...
17  cards
Substance Abuse and Addictions
Define harmful substance use,
Define hazardous use,
What are the criteria for depende...
34  cards
How do you calculate units,
What are the major causes of morb...,
What aspects of assessment are sp...
14  cards
What are the 4 main type of treat...,
How can you class psychiatric drugs,
What do medicines used in psychia...
17  cards
Psychiatry throughout the life course
What is the burden of adolescent ...,
What is happening in the adolesce...,
What is the peak age of onset for...
13  cards
Development & Ageing
What are some of the opposing tre...,
Why is it important to study deve...,
What is a possible explanation to...
7  cards
Early Foetal Development
How do you measure fertilisation age,
How do you measure gestational age,
How do you calculate the carnegie...
54  cards
Disorders of Early development
What can cause pregnancy loss,
Define miscarriage,
What is the criteria for a recurr...
31  cards
Pregnancy, Parturition & Late Foetal Development
How would you describe embryo foe...,
What word describes early embryo ...,
Define histiotrophic
27  cards
Late Foetal Development
How does the circulatory system m...,
How does the respiratory system m...,
How does the gi system mature
31  cards
Disorders of Pregnancy
How common is pre eclampsia,
What are the symptoms of pre ecla...,
What happens in early onset pe
14  cards
Impact of Environment on lifelong health
What is the developmental origins...,
What challenges may the foetus fa...,
What are the influences that coul...
12  cards
Postnatal & Child Development
What are the 4 areas of the devel...,
What can you see from a side view...,
What can you see at 5 weeks
53  cards
Skin Infections
How does staphylococcus confer pa...,
What are some diseases caused by ...,
How does streptococcus confer vir...
91  cards
Skin Cancer
What are melanomas,
What are the risk factors for mel...,
What is the pathogenesis of melanoma
59  cards
Management of Specific Fractures
What are the clinical signs of a ...,
What investigations can be done f...,
How do you describe a fracture us...
28  cards
Back Pain
How common is back pain,
How common is sciatica,
How is recovery for sciatica pati...
25  cards
Children's Orthopaedics
How many bones does a child s ske...,
What are the physics,
How do flat bones develop
44  cards
Management of orthopaedic fractures
What is an osteogenic cell,
What is an osteocyte,
What is an osteoblast
42  cards
What is rheumatology,
What are the main 2 types of join...,
How does inflammation manifest
56  cards
Rheumatological Diagnostics
What are the basic rheumatology b...,
What are the blood results for in...,
What are the blood results for os...
28  cards
Connective tissue disorders
What is the use of serum antibodies,
What is typical of arthralgia art...,
What is a common sign in connecti...
35  cards
Pharmacology of Asthma
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the drug target for salbu...,
What are the main side effects of...
19  cards
Pharmacology of GORD
What is the mechanism of action o...,
How do prostanoids act,
What causes the anti inflammatory...
24  cards
Pharmacology of CKD
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What is the primary target of sta...,
What are the side effects of statins
27  cards
Pharmacology of Pain
What are some weak opioids,
What are some strong opioids,
What is the mechanism of action f...
25  cards
Dialysis + Kidney transplant
What are the 2 main methods for d...,
What are some of the cons of hemo...,
How often do you need hemodialysis
13  cards
Urological Cancers
What is the epidemiology of kidne...,
What types of cancer can kidney c...,
What are the risk factors for ren...
40  cards
Urinary incontinence + Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Describe the ureters,
How many layers do the ureters have,
What is the ureters blood supply
45  cards
Auditory system
What are the 3 sections of the ear,
Where is the ear embedded,
What are the functions of the out...
8  cards

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brs phase 1b

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