This class was created by Brainscape user Simi Adewale. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

1b Cortical Organisation and Function
What is the cerebral cortex,
What is the microscopic organizat...,
Where is the primary motor cortex
59  cards
1b Cerebral Vasculature
What percentage of the bodies oxy...,
Describe the blood supply to the ...,
What is the point where the cereb...
42  cards
1b Motor Cortical Control
What is meant by the hierarchical...,
What do the cerebellum and the ba...,
What are the two pyramidal descen...
65  cards
1b Neuromuscular Control
What are alpha motor neurones,
What does activation of the alpha...,
What is a motor neurone pool
32  cards
1b Cerebral Cortex
What is ms,
What are some of the main symptom...,
What is the m wave
21  cards
1b Headaches
What is a primary headache,
What are the three main types of ...,
What is a secondary headache
31  cards
1b Auditory Systems
What does a vestibular organ capture,
What does a hearing organ capture,
What is meant by the frequency of...
71  cards
1b Vestibular Systems
What are the mechanical sensors o...,
What is the input signal for the ...,
What are the outputs of the vesti...
48  cards
1b Visual System
What is the palpebral fissue,
What is the limbus,
What is the caruncle
137  cards
1b Dementia
What is the most commonest form o...,
What is dementia,
What has the most modest symptoma...
47  cards
1b Visual System Defects
What is seen in a patient with 3r...,
Explain why cranial nerve palsy c...,
What causes dilation of the pupil
10  cards
1b Cerebral Inflammation
What is meningitis,
What is encephalitis,
What is cerebral vasculitis
32  cards
1b Auditory and Vestibular Disorders
What is pbbv,
What happen in bppv,
What causes the vertigo attacks s...
8  cards
1a Peripheral Nervous System + Disorders
What is the pns composed of,
What are the two divisions of the...,
What are the two divisions of the...
52  cards
1a Autonomic Nervous System
What is the autonomic nervous sys...,
What non skeletal peripheral func...,
What sort of stimuli does the som...
42  cards
1a Brain Stem and Cranial Nerves
What are the three devisions of t...,
What makes up the brainstem,
What are the 3 cerebellar peduncl...
19  cards
1a Cells of the Nervous System
What are the four lobes of the br...,
What is the function of the cereb...,
What is a soma
48  cards
1a Pharmacology and Neurotransmitters
What is the definition of pharmac...,
What are the four most common dru...,
What must a successful drug show
49  cards
1a Central Nervous System
What are the three sections of th...,
What does the diencephelon consis...,
What are the three compoents of t...
80  cards
1a Membrane And Action Potenials
What is a membrane potential,
What is the resting membrane pote...,
When does movement of ions occur
69  cards
1a CNS Disorders
What is brown sequard syndrome,
Which tracts does brown sequard s...,
If there is loss of sensation whi...
13  cards
1a Epilepsy
What are focal seizures,
What causes the development of se...,
Where do most focal seizures aris...
20  cards

More about
brs neurology

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