This class was created by Brainscape user Tina Sangha. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Introduction - finish
What is the study of algae called,
What are the 2 branches of phycology,
Define photoautotrophy
10  cards
Cyanobacteria I
Are cyanobacteria prokaryotic or ...,
Do cyanobacteria exhibit sexual r...,
What is the biological species co...
24  cards
Cyanobacteria II
What are thylakoids,
What are thylakoids embedded with,
Which groups have phycobilosomes
28  cards
Cyanobacteria III/IV
What temperature water do cyanoba...,
The synergistic effect between wh...,
Phosphorous stimulates cyanobacte...
15  cards
Serial endosymbiosis as the basis for algal diversity
What is the hypothesized primary ...,
Describe the origin of the chloro...,
With primary endosymbiosis how ma...
17  cards
Describe euglenoids in terms of b...,
Euglenoids are the product of wha...,
Do euglenoids have a nucleomorph
29  cards
What are the slipper shaped algae...,
What is the single defining featu...,
Describe the flagella of cryptoph...
26  cards
What are the golden phytoflagellates,
What is the range of morphologies...,
What are the photosynthetic pigme...
22  cards
Describe diatoms as living snowfl...,
What is the most highly diverse s...,
What is a frustule
17  cards
Are dinoflagellates phototrophic ...,
Describe the flagella of dinoflag...,
Dinoflagellates are the evolution...
18  cards
Periphyton Ecology
Define phytobenthos,
Where do phytobenthos live generally,
What account for over 50 of the t...
27  cards
Rhodophyta are what kind of algae,
Are most rhodophyta marine or fre...,
What photosynthate do the rhodoph...
23  cards
Phaeophyta - the brown algae
What type of algae are the phaeop...,
What type of water do the phaeoph...,
What is the hypothesized ancestor...
13  cards
Distinguishing between the green algae
Green algae have which types of c...,
Green algae store their photosynt...,
What type of troph are green algae
19  cards
What are the shared traits that u...,
What type of flagellar apparati d...,
What type of cell division do chl...
28  cards
What habitats can you find ulvoph...,
What flagellur apparatus do the u...,
What cell division do the ulvophy...
17  cards
Charophyceae - not done
What type of mitosis do charophyc...,
What type of cytokinisis do charo...,
What flagellar apparatus do the c...
7  cards

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bot 330

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