This class was created by Brainscape user Lottie Frank. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Epithelia function as a barrier,
What are epithelial cells joined by,
Paracellular transport
16  cards
endocrine control mechanisms
Master controllers of the endocri...,
The nervous system,
Endocrine system
59  cards
glucose homeostasis
Glucose as an energy source,
What do we use to store glucose w...,
What happens when there is a lack...
44  cards
diet, digestion and absorption
Weight loss,
Weight gain
51  cards
gastric acid secretion
Secretion of gastric juice,
Mucous cell,
Parietal cells
39  cards
pancreas and bile
Pancreatic duct,
Branching of the intralobular bra...,
What cells surround the duct
28  cards
GI hormones
13  cards
control of gut motility
Aim of gi tract control,
How is control of gi tract achieved,
Senses the lumen contains
43  cards
renal physiology
Kidney anatomy,
Iv pyelogram then x ray
38  cards
the Proximal convoluted tubule and transport mechanisms
Body fluid distribution,
Normal plasma values for a human,
Normal urine values for a human
46  cards
concentrating mechanisms
Urine appearance,
Urine odour,
Ph of urine
33  cards
management of electrolyte and water balance
Salt intake and excretion,
What hormone controls the amount ...,
What is aldosterone
41  cards
acid base balance and renal failure
Ph of plasma,
What happens we have changes in p...,
Acidosis acidemia
53  cards
28  cards
Bartter diseases
Bartters syndrome symptoms,
Thick ascending limb main function,
Barter syndrome thick ascending limb
8  cards

More about
body systems 2

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