This class was created by Brainscape user ThuyVy Nguyen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Chapter 1: The ATC and Sports Med Team
What certification does the nsca ...,
What is acsm,
What are the six domains of athle...
12  cards
Chapter 13.2: Abbreviations
C with line over it,
Delta triangle,
P with line over it
128  cards
Chapter 29: Additional Medical Conditions
Define malaise and coryza,
How does the common cold spread h...,
With chicken pox where do the les...
45  cards
Chapter 2: Administration
What does wots up stand for,
What general topics should be add...,
What are policies
26  cards
Chapter 3: Legal Concerns and Insurance
What is liability,
What is negligence,
What is duty of care
33  cards
Chapter 4: Training and Conditioning Techniques
What is the said principle,
How long should the warm up last,
How long should a cool down last
35  cards
Chapter 5: Nutritional Consideration
What are the 6 classes of nutrients,
What are nutrient dense foods,
What are monosaccharides and disa...
41  cards
Chapter 6: Environmental Considerations
What are the 5 types of heat exch...,
What are some factors that cause ...,
Who are some at risk individuals ...
24  cards
Chapter 7: Protectie Gear and Sports Equipment
Who establishes the standards for...,
What steps should be taken every ...,
What steps should be taken when f...
14  cards
Chapter 8: Bandaging and Taping
Define spica,
Considerations for using elastic ...,
Define triangular bandages
7  cards
Chapter 9: Mechanisms and Characteristics of Sports Trauma
How are load and stress related,
What is mechanical failure how is...,
What are the 5 types of tissue st...
55  cards
Chapter 10: Tissue Response to Injury
What are the three phases of heal...,
What are the chemical mediators a...,
What is the pattern of blood clot...
26  cards
Chapter 11: Psychosocial Intervention for Sports Injuries and Ilnesses
Reactive phases 3,
What is the kubler ross model of ...,
Injury time
21  cards
Chapter 12: On the Field and Emergency Care
What information should be includ...,
What are the various aspects of a...,
How many emergency action plans s...
19  cards
Chapter 13: Off the FIeld Injury Evaluation
What are the anatomical directions,
Shoulder abduction occurs in what...,
What is etiology pathology sympto...
29  cards
Chapter 14: Bloodborne Pathogens
What are the 3 main bloodborne pa...,
What are the 5 main modes of tran...,
Hepatitis is a dysfunction of wha...
19  cards
Chapter 15: Therapeutic Modalities
What are the 4 forms of thermal e...,
What are some of the physiologica...,
What is ischemia
55  cards
Chapter 16: Therapeutic Exercise in Rehabilitation
What effect does immobilization h...,
What are some of the major compon...,
What are accessory motions 3 exam...
28  cards
Chapter 17: Pharmacology
Define pharmacology and pharmacok...,
What are the 10 methods of intern...,
What are the 6 methods of externa...
30  cards
Chapter 28: Skin Disorders
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the epidermis composed of...,
Give an example of a pustule
35  cards

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