This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Long. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Savarese CH 1: The basics
What is the definition of somatic...,
Somatic dysfunction presents as,
Tart in an acute injury
28  cards
Savarese Ch 11: Chapman's Points and Trigger Points
What does a chapman s point repre...,
Describe what chapman s points fe...,
Describe what chapman s points fe...
15  cards
Savarese Ch 10: Facilitation
What is facilitation,
What are the 3 parts of a spinal ...,
In facilitation what is actually ...
81  cards
Savarese Ch 2: Cervical Spine
What is atypical about c1,
What is atypical about c2,
What are 2 things atypical for c2 c6
32  cards
Savarese Ch 7: Upper Extremities
Name to muscles of the rotator cu...,
What is the action of supraspinatus,
What is the action of infraspinatus
58  cards
Savarese CH 18: Special Tests
Not completed yet
19  cards
Savarese Ch 9: Craniosacram Motion
What makes up the primary respira...,
What does the prn do,
What 5 anatomical physiological e...
49  cards
Savarese Ch 3: Thorax and Ribcage
Spine of the scapula corresoponds...,
Inferior angle of the scapula cor...,
The sternal notch is level with t...
8  cards
Savarese Ch 4: Lumbar Spine
Why is the lumbar spine more susc...,
In the thoracic and lumbar region...,
When the lumbar nerve root exits ...
16  cards
Savarese Ch 5: Scoliosis and Short Leg Syndrome
Name a scoliosis curve that is si...,
Name a scoliosis curve that is co...,
The big difference between struct...
12  cards
Savarese Ch 6: Sacrum & Innominates
Which are the primary pelvic muscles,
What is the origin insertion of t...,
Piriformis action
10  cards
Savarese Ch 8: Lower Extremities
External rotation of the hip does...,
External rotation of the foot doe...,
What is pronation of the foot
21  cards
Savarese Ch 12: Myofascial Release
What is the common compensatory p...,
What is the common compensatory p...,
What is the common compensatory p...
4  cards

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boards: opp

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