This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Gibb. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Week 1 - Pressure Injuries
What is a pressure injury,
Who is more at risk to getting a ...,
What is the acronym to use when p...
24  cards
Week 1 - Long Term Conditions
Define what a long term condition is,
Name some long term conditions,
What is the difference between a ...
20  cards
Week 1 - Assessments
What do nurses use to help guide ...,
What does adpie stand for,
What are the components of the ra...
17  cards
Oxygen 02 indications for use,
Oxygen 02 monitoring requirements,
Oxygen 02 patient education
70  cards
Week 2 - Terms
What does 02 stand for,
What does copd stand for,
What are red flags
23  cards
Week 2 - Respiratory
Define hypoxia,
Define hypoxemia,
Define hypercapnia
61  cards
Week 3 - Terms
What does the abbreviation ef sta...,
What does the abbreviation aki st...,
What does the abbreviation cva st...
22  cards
Week 3 - Heart Failure
Define heart failure,
What is a structural abnormality ...,
What is a functional abnormality ...
36  cards
Week 3 - Ischaemic Heart Disease
Define cardiovascular disease,
What are some examples of cardiov...,
What is rheumatic fever
21  cards
Week 3 - Cardiac Rhythms
What are the different types of c...,
Name 2 different types of arrhyth...,
What is ventricular tachycardia vt
12  cards
Week 3 - Renal
What are the functions of the kidney,
What is glomerular filtration rate,
What are the 3 factors needed for...
25  cards
Week 4 - Terms
What are the two meanings of the ...,
What does the abbreviation icp st...,
What does the abbreviation gcs st...
12  cards
Week 4 - Neurology
What are some causes of neurologi...,
What is the difference between lo...,
What is increased intra cranial p...
27  cards
Weel 4 - Stroke
Define stroke,
What is the aetiology of a stroke,
What are some symptoms of a stroke
15  cards
Week 4 - Spinal Cord Injury
What is a spinal cord injury,
What causes a traumatic spinal co...,
What causes a non traumatic spina...
18  cards
What is the patho of a dvt,
What is the aetiology of a dvt,
What is venous stasis
16  cards
Week 5 - Peri-Operative
What are some peri op considerations,
What are some peri op assessments,
What are some nursing priorities ...
11  cards

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bnkn602 exam

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