This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy Ruby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Lecture 1
What are planetary boundaries,
What are the 5 drivers of change
2  cards
Lecture 2- Valuing and Protecting Nature: The Biodiversity Crisis
Who introdudd,
What does ncp mean,
What is the largest tree in the w...
8  cards
Lecture 3- The Problem of Nature and Culture in the Modern World
What year was the corn laws,
What are the corn laws,
What did the corn laws do
5  cards
Lecture 4-Mass extinction
What does epe stand for,
What does lip stand for,
What is anoxia
3  cards
Lecture 5-Terrestrial Habitat Loss
What is land and sea use which is...,
What is direct exploitation,
What is synergy
12  cards
Lecture 6- Energy slides early 24
In 2000 how much exajoules did pe...,
Controlled nuclear reactions prod...,
Where was the first commerical se...
5  cards
Lecture 8-Climate change: response of animals
What percentage in the last 25 ye...,
What climate conditions does the ...,
What is a cause for concern with ...
7  cards
Lecture 9-Climate change 1 historical perspective
What is the quote about climate b...,
What is the reciepe for coal,
What is peat
8  cards
Lecture 10-Climate Change II – a geoscience perspective
What are epochs,
What are foraminefera,
What is better than the atmospher...
7  cards
Lecture 11-Impact of Climate Change on Plants
What are the impacts of climate c...,
What did eunice newton foote 1819...
8  cards
Lecture 12-Invasive Species – more problematic in a future climate
What does native or indigenous sp...,
What does non native species mean,
What are naturalised species
6  cards
Lecture 13--Infectious disease threats arising from exploitation of wild animals and their natural habitats
What is bonamia ostreae,
What did charissa de bekker notic...
2  cards
Lecture 14-Future of metals
How much extra annual of renewabl...,
What is in solar panels,
What is in wind turbines
4  cards
Lecture 15-fishing
What is diadromous fish,
What did fao report,
What is demersal fish
4  cards
Lecture 15-EU soil stragery
How much soil is not healthy,
How much soil is washed away each...
2  cards
Lecture 17-solutions-how to feed the world
How many trees have been lost fro...,
Sub saharn africa,
How much biodiversity does soil host
6  cards
Lecture 18-Solutions: Geological Sequestration of Carbon
What is continental break up,
What is continental collision,
What are the two ways to sequeste...
4  cards

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