This class was created by Brainscape user Brianna Schiavone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What are some general body traits...,
What are some unique body traits ...,
What are the two main types of cn...
18  cards
Porifora (+ Placozoa)
What do sponges lack,
What traits confirm sponges as an...,
What are ostia and the osculum
21  cards
What are some unique traits of ct...,
What are the five classes of cten...
5  cards
Background Info
What are the steps of gastrulation
1  cards
What are the roles of parapodia,
Describe an annelid s nervous sen...,
What two phylogenic groups are wi...
38  cards
Platyhelminthes (+Xenacoelomorpha)
What class is within platyhelminthes,
What orders are within turbellaria,
How do planarians get rid of waste
13  cards
What are some general traits for ...,
What are the two classes in nemertea,
What are the differences between ...
9  cards
How does a pseudocoelomate cross ...,
What features did pseudocoelomate...,
What classes are within rotifora
13  cards
What traits do chaetognathids have,
What function does the head serve,
What function does the trunk serve
4  cards
Molluscs (+Brachiopods)
What are the names of layers in a...,
What is the name of the ciliated ...,
What features make a mollusc s ga...
47  cards
What are the three phyla included...,
Which phyla is the least related ...,
Describe a lophophore
21  cards
Tardigrades and Onychophores
Tardigrades describe the body pla...,
Tardigrada how has the cuticle of...,
Tardigrada what adaptation to was...
9  cards
Arthropods (Chelicerata)
What is the name of the first seg...,
What is the name of the last segm...,
What are some differences between...
16  cards
Describe the segmentation of a cr...,
What types of appendages can crus...,
What is a nauplius larva
3  cards

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bisc 306

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