This class was created by Brainscape user Adjmal Sarwary. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Descriptive Statistics
What is the mean,
How do you calculate the median,
What does the mode represent in a...
40  cards
Inferential Statistics
How do you perform hypothesis tes...,
What are confidence intervals and...,
What is a type i error in hypothe...
40  cards
Probability Distributions
What is a probability distribution,
What properties define a normal d...,
How do you calculate probabilitie...
40  cards
Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests
What is a parametric test,
When should you use a non paramet...,
What assumptions must be met for ...
40  cards
Correlation and Regression Analysis
What does correlation measure in ...,
Explain the difference between po...,
How is the strength of correlatio...
42  cards
Survival Analysis
What is survival analysis used for,
Explain the concept of censored d...,
What is the kaplan meier estimator
40  cards
Experimental Design
What is the purpose of randomizat...,
Why is blinding used in experiments,
What are control groups and why a...
40  cards
Sampling Methods
What is the difference between si...,
How do you perform stratified sam...,
What is cluster sampling and when...
40  cards
Meta Analysis
What role does effect size play i...,
How does meta analysis handle stu...,
What is the difference between a ...
39  cards
Diagnostic Testing
What is the purpose of diagnostic...,
How do sensitivity and specificit...,
Explain the concept of positive p...
38  cards
Confounding and Bias
What is confounding in research s...,
How does confounding differ from ...,
Explain the difference between se...
38  cards
Epidemiological Study Designs
What is the purpose of epidemiolo...,
Describe the key characteristics ...,
What is the difference between a ...
40  cards
Clinical Trials
Describe the primary objective of...,
What are the different phases of ...,
What is the purpose of a phase i ...
41  cards
Bayesian Statistics
What is bayesian statistics and h...,
Explain the concept of prior prob...,
What is a likelihood function in ...
42  cards

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