This class was created by Brainscape user helena birowka. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

nervous system
What is the nervous system consis...,
What is the cns made up of,
What does the pns do
9  cards
endocrine system
What is the endocrine system,
What are glands,
What are 3 examples of glands and...
7  cards
What are neurons,
What are the three types of neurons,
What are sensory neurons structure
14  cards
synaptic transmission
What is synaptic transmission,
What is a synapse,
What are the 6 parts of a synapse
13  cards
localisation of function
What are the 4 lobes of the brain...,
What are the 6 areas of the brain...,
Outline the somatosensory area
13  cards
hemispheric lateralisation
What is hemispheric lateralisation,
What is an example of hl,
What is the relationship between ...
5  cards
split brain research
What is split brain research,
Who conducted the research,
What was the procedure of sperry ...
7  cards
What is plasticity,
What happens in our brain as we age,
What is this called
7  cards
functional recovery
What is funtional recovery,
What are the three structural cha...,
What is axonal sprouting
7  cards
ways of studying the brain
What are the 4 ways of studying t...,
What is fmri,
What is a strength of fmri
13  cards
circadian rhythms
What is a biological rhythm,
What is a circadian rhythm,
What is an example of a circadian...
9  cards
infradian rhythms
What is an infradian rhythm,
What are 2 main examples,
Outline the menstrual cycle
7  cards
ultradian rhythms
What are ultradian rhythms,
Outline the stages of sleep,
Ao3 improved understanding
4  cards
exogenous zeitgebers and endogenous pacemakers
What are endogenous pacemakers,
What is melatonin,
What is the main example of the ep
15  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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