This class was created by Brainscape user Liberty Heaslip. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

ways of studying the brain
What does fmri stand for,
What does eeg stand for,
What does eep stand for
12  cards
biological rhythms
Define biological rhythms,
What 2 things are biological rhyt...,
Define endogenous pacemakers
5  cards
circadian rhythms
What is the duration of circadian...,
What are 2 examples of circadian ...,
What is the puprose of circadian ...
18  cards
infradian rhythms
Name one type of infradian rhythm,
Why is the menstrual cycle an inf...,
When oestrogen levels rise in the...
14  cards
ultradian rhythms
Name one type of ultradian rhythm,
How many stages of sleep are ther...,
How l ong does each stage in the ...
27  cards
the nervous system
What 2 systems is the human nervo...,
What does the cns comprise of,
What does the pns comprise of
11  cards
the endocrine system
What is the role of the pituitary...,
What is the role of the thyroid g...,
What is the role of the adrenal g...
6  cards
localisation of function in the brain
Define localisation,
Define holistic,
Define holistic
30  cards
hemispheric lateralisation
Define lateralisation,
Name one function that appears in...,
What side is language lateralised to
10  cards
split brain research
What happens during a split brain...,
Why is a split brain operation done,
What happens during an epileptic ...
10  cards
plasticity and functional recovery of brain after trauma
Define brain plasticity,
What did gopnick 1999 say regardi...,
Define synaptic pruning
19  cards
endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeigebers
Where is the scn located,
Is the scn an endogenous pacemake...,
What is the role of the scn
19  cards
endocrine and autonomic nervous system working together
Explain how the endocrine and aut...
1  cards

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