biomed season finale

This class was created by Brainscape user ahmad elmowag. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Cell Signalling in Health and Disease
Toll-Like Receptor Signalling
147  cards
Molecular Pharmacology - Radioligand binding
What is question 1 of the exam go...,
What is the rationale behind reso...,
How do you calculate specific bin...
29  cards
Epigenetics and Disease
What is the major dna modificatio...,
What are the features of 5mc,
What of cpg s are methylated
18  cards
Molecular Pharmacology - Cholinergic System
What is the bound structure of ac...,
What did docking to achbp reveal,
What does agonist binding to ach ...
17  cards
Cell Signalling in Health and Disease - Proteasome
Where are some ubiquitinated prot...,
Function of chaperone proteins,
Features of chaperone proteins
29  cards
Diabetes and Drug Targets
What is gestational diabetes,
What is the cause of gestational ...,
What do alpha beta cells in the i...
54  cards
Health and Disease - Cell Division
What occurs during prophase,
What occurs during prometaphase,
What occurs during metaphase
66  cards
Amyloid based diseases
Define primary amyloidogenic dise...,
Define a secondary amyloidogenic ...,
Define familial amyloidogenic dis...
73  cards
Kinases and Cancer
What are the differences between ...,
What occurs from erbb stimulation,
What occurs from
34  cards
Molecular Pharmacology - Synaptic Receptors
What are the features of dendrites,
What are the features of axons,
Function of basket cells
63  cards
Structural basis of disease - viruses
What happens when the herpes gene...,
What is the function of tegument ...,
What is the purpose of tegument p...
4  cards

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biomed season finale

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