This class was created by Brainscape user Julia White. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Headaches and Epilepsy
4 types of headaches,
Primary headache,
How do we treat tension headaches
32  cards
Depression and anxiety disorders
Current theory,
What strategies might address a m...,
Tricyclic antidepressants imipramine
27  cards
Schizophrenia and its treatment
Psychoses symptoms,
Long term prognosis
26  cards
Endocrine pharmacology
Gh is associated with,
Pituitary dwarfism,
Early pituitary gland tumours gig...
31  cards
Therapeutics in mental health
Mental illness causes,
4d s 1,
51  cards
Compensatory Mechanisms
Hypovolemic shock,
Hypovolemic shock physiology,
Automatic nervous system receptors
11  cards
Immunotherapeutic agents
Immune system three lines of defence,
Adaptive immune response revision,
12  cards
Cancer Chemotherapy & Pharmacology
Cancer cells,
30  cards
Therapeutics of chemotherapy
56  cards
Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury definition,
Traumatic sci definition,
Non traumatic sci
34  cards
Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
What is mods definitions,
Organs systems involved
10  cards
Eye and vision
Vision what it does,
The five p s,
Tear production
28  cards
Ear and hearing
The inner ear,
Properties of sound,
Overview of sound transmission de...
18  cards
Pharmacological Targets for the Action of Drugs of Dependence
Physical dependence,
Withdrawal symptoms definition,
Psychological dependence
53  cards

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