
This class was created by Brainscape user maryam 🤍. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

Section 1 - Key Concepts in Biology
cells, specialised cells, microscopy, more microscopy, enzymes, more on enzymes, enzymes in breakdown and synthesis, Diffusion, osmosis and active transport, investigating osmosis
71  cards
Section 2 - Cells and Control
mitosis, cell division and growth, stem cells, The nervous system, synapses and reflexes
45  cards
Section 3 - Genetics
Sexual reproduction and meiosis, DNA, Genetic diagrams, Variation, The human genome project
14  cards
Section 4 - Natural Selection and Genetic Modification
Natural selection and evidence for evolution, fossil evidence for human evolution, classification, selective breeding, genetic engineering
21  cards
Section 5 - Health, Diseases and the Development of Medicines
Health and disease, STIs, Fighting disease, memory lymphocytes and immunisation, antibiotics and other medicines, non-communicable diseases, measures of obesity, treatments for cardiovascular disease
32  cards
Section 6 - Plant Structures and Their Functions
Photosynthesis, Limiting factors in Photosynthesis, Transport in Plants, Stomata and Transpiration
12  cards
Section 7 - Animal Coordination, Control and Homeostasis
Hormones, Adrenaline and thyroxine, the menstrual cycle, controlling fertility, homeostasis - control of blood glucose, diabetes
13  cards
Section 8 - Exchange and Transport in Animals
Exchange of materials, specialised exchange surfaces - the alveoli, circulatory system - blood and blood vessels and the heart, respiration, respiration practical
26  cards
Section 9 - Ecosystems and Material Cycles
Ecosystems and interactions between organisms, investigating ecosystems, human impacts on biodiversity, conservation and biodiversity, the carbon cycle, the water cycle, the nitrogen cycle
15  cards

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