This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy Stewart. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

biological molecules
What do long chains of monomers form,
What is a singler monermer,
What is the formular of monosaccc...
14  cards
starch glycogen and cellulose
What is starch made from,
What are the starch molecules joi...,
How is strach specialy adapted
11  cards
Give three roles of lipids,
Give a characteristics of lipids,
What is the formation of triglyce...
14  cards
What are the three different grou...,
What is the r group of an amino acid,
What can two or more amino acids ...
15  cards
anaerobic respiration
In plants what does anaerobic res...,
In mammals what is a by product o...,
What is lactate formed from
14  cards
the cardiac cycle
What is the type of circulaytoty ...,
What is relaxation of the heart c...,
What is the contraction of the at...
6  cards
What is a genome,
Define a gene,
What holds the nucleotides together
8  cards
MRNA and Trna
Give a propertie of mrna,
What is mrna involved in,
What does trna do
17  cards
transcription and translation
Why is transcription needed,
Define transcription,
What are the enzymes used in tran...
27  cards
dna genes and chromosomes past paper
Name the fixed position occupied ...,
Describe how a gene is coded for ...,
Define exon
7  cards
Define biodiversity,
What is species richness,
Why is biodiversity important
6  cards
Xylem and phloem structure
20  cards
humoral immunity
Why is it calle humoral immunity,
What is a plasma cell,
What is the secondary immune resp...
13  cards
mutations and meosis
Define the term mutagenic agent,
Apart from crossing over and inde...,
What 9is independent segregation
5  cards
transport of water in plants
What is transpiration pull,
What does this transpiration pull...,
What is the transpiration stream
10  cards
mechanism of breathing
What does the diaphragm do when y...,
What do the intercorstal muscles ...,
What does this cuase
6  cards
control of heart rate
What is myogenic,
Where does the orginial impulse o...,
What does the san determine
10  cards
What are the disulfide bridges on...,
What is the first step of how hiv...,
After the hiv has binded to helpe...
11  cards
Define antibodies,
What are thee antibodies synthesi...,
What do antibodys lead to
13  cards
vacinnations and types of imunnity
What is passive immunity,
What are the two ways passive imm...,
3  cards
semi conservative replication
What does dna do before repliaction,
What is semi consevative replication,
What is thye first step of semi c...
5  cards
genetic code
What is degenertate code,
What is dna made up of,
What is each nucleotide comprised of
15  cards
gas exchange in fish
What are gills comprised of,
What do gill fililments contain,
Why are gill lamellea specicilase...
7  cards
plant exchange and structure
How is oxygen lost through the plant,
How does oxygen enter the leaf in...,
What makes leaves adapted for spe...
11  cards
Human gas exchange
What is the sequence of breathign...,
What supports the trachea,
Define inspiration
22  cards
What do all digestive enzymes fun...,
What is hydrolisis,
What enzyme digests carbohydrates
9  cards
species and taxonemy
What is the process of ctagorisni...,
What are the taxoneymy orders,
What are the king
6  cards
mass flow theory
What is the aim of mass flow theory,
What does mass flow rely on the i...,
Where is sucrose transported from...
12  cards
the heart- structure
What are the two valves connectin...,
What are the valves called presen...,
Describe the position of the aorta
6  cards
the heart- cardiac cycle
What is heart relaxation known as,
Decribe the process of diastole,
What are the other two process in...
8  cards
the heart- blood vessels and tissue fluid
0  cards
ELISA test
What is the first stage of the el...,
What is the second stage of the e...,
3  cards

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biology yr12

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